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it is used to separates chromosomes pairs during mitosis.

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Q: What will spindle fibers eventually be used for?
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What are the spindle fibers eventually used for?

Spindle fibres are tiny tube-like structures made of protein to which chromosomes attach during cell division.

What structure forms in prophase along which the chromosomes called?

The answer is Spindle Fibers.

What happends to the spindle fibers in telophase?

Spindle fibers disassemble.

What are spindle fibers composed of?

spindle fibers are composed of what? Answer: Microtubules

Which type of cell has spindle fibers?

Animal cells have spindle fibers in them.

What is the structure for spindle fibers?

During the metaphase of cell division, the spindle fibers radiate from the centrioles at the opposite poles of the cell. When the spindle fibers start to pull the chromosomes to opposite poles, this marks the anaphase of cell division.

Fibers in the spindle that attach to the centromere of the chromosomes?

Fibers in the spindle that attach to the centromere of the chromosomes are called what?

Cell structures made of individual microtube fibers that are involved in moving chromosomes during cell division are called?

spindle fibers

During metaphase the centrometers attach to what structures?

In animal cells, during metaphase stage of the cell cycle, the centrioles attach to spindle fibers. These spindle fibers are also attached to the chromosomes which are now aligned at the metaphase plate.

Are spindle fibers used in mitosis?

Yes. They are used to separate the sister chromatids apart.

The phase of mitosis in which microtubules connect the centromere of each chromosome to the poles of the pindle?

The name for the network of microtubules along which the chromosomes move during cell division is called the spindle fibers. These spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes and pull them in half.

What organelles form the asters and the spindle fibers?

The centrioles in animal cells form the asters and the spindle fibers.