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-Armando Patella

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Q: What word contains all vowels in alphabetical order plus the letter y?
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What is the shortest word with all 5 vowels in correct order?

Abstemious is a 10 letter word that contains 5 vowels in correct order. It means not moderate when eating and drinking.

What Swedish word contains all vowels in alphabetical order?

I really don't think there is one. If there is one it has to be a composite created for that purpose.

What word contains all vowels in descending order?

Abstemious for ascending order Suncontinental for descending order

What is unique about facetiously?

All 5 vowels in alphabetical order?

Which is the shortest word which has all the five vowels in alphabetical order?


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What English word which has all six vowels in alphabetical order?

facetiouse and abstemiousely

Do the vowels in the work uncontroversial appear in reverse alphabetical order?

no, because the 'i' is after the 'e'

What is the shortest word with all five vowels?

Facetious, at nine letters long, might be the shortest word that contains all five vowels in alphabetical order.Suoidea, seven letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels in reverse alphabetical order.Other words with this property are the ten letter words duoliteral and unoriental, the fourteen letter word subcontinental, and the fifteen letter words neuroepithelial and uncomplimentary.actually it is aerious, meaning "airy"

What words besides sequoia contain every vowel?

facetious. And the vowels are in alphabetical order.

What is special about the words abstemious and facetious?

All vowels (and y) in their correct order.

What is the rule for the order of joining word roots at the beginning of a term?

The rule for the order of joining word roots at the beginning of a term is to generally place the more specific root before the more general root. This allows for clearer understanding and interpretation of the term.