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Q: What word is used for any part of a cell enclosed by a membrane?
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What word do scientists use to describe any part of a cell enclosed by a membrane?

If it's inside the cell membrane and also enclosed in another membrane, it's an organelle. Not all organelles necessarily have membranes, but anything in a cell with a membrane would be an organelle. I would imagine you could call it a membranous organelle to be specific.

What cell part is used to describe the outer edge of a frog blood cell?

Cell membrane

What part of a cell works with a cell membrane?

well technically the whole thing because the cell membrane is used to protect the cell sorta like a force shield.

What happens to the pocket in the cell in the membrane when it breaks loose from the membrane?

Usually, the membrane will burst and let its contents out into the cell membrane and get used up.

What do the cell membrane do cytoplasm do for the cell?

Type your answer here... If you are meaning what does the cell membrane and cytoplasm do for the cell, then the cell mambrane is the part of an animal cell that protects the cell. In a plant cell, the cell wall and cell membrane protect the cell from damage. The cells Cytoplasm is used to break down waste and other materials in the cell, and the Cytoplasm supports all the other components of the cell, making it possible for the cell to hols its shape.

What is the cell membrane used for in the plant cell?

The Cell membrane on a plant cell is used to allow some substances into the cell (for nourishment) while keeping other (harmful or unwanted) substances out.

What thin membrane encloses the cytoplasm?

The cell membrane is the thin layer that holds cells together. Cell membranes are used as barriers and for protection.

Which part of the body of amoeba is used for getting food?

Cell Membrane The amoeba uses its cell membrane to form an arm-like structure (pseudopodia) to encircle food with its "arms" and engulfs it. Check the videos on youtube!

What part of the cell is a storage unit?

Vacuoles is your answer. In plant cells Vacuoles are very large in animal cells vacuoles are much much smaller usually not even labelled in diagrams.

What is the cell part that acts like the transporter?

The Golgi apparatus serves as a vesicle trafficking hub.

What is used for cell recognition and communication?

Proteins embedded in the cell membrane.

Is the cell membrane and nuclear membrane the same?

yes, in terms of substances used; however, depending on where in the body the cells is positioned both the nuclear and cell membrane may differ.