

Best Answer

There are several phrases an author might use to indicate this. Some examples:

  • (to audience)
  • sotto voce
  • under
  • aside
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Q: What word is used in stage directions to show that the character is speaking so that nobody else on the stage can hear them?
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What word is used in stage directions to show that the character is speaking so that nobody else on stage can hear them?


Descriptions in stage directions.. what the character says.. what others say and what the character does.. are all hints to help develop?

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Do stage directions include sleeping?

no stage directions are the directions or places on stage to stand or cross to.

The script includes the dialog and the what?

If it's a screenplay, there are slug lines, location, character and action description. If it's a stage play, stage directions.

What is a single character play called?

A single character play is called a monologue. It features a single actor speaking alone on stage.

Which of the following is part of the production of a dramatic work Costuming Character dialogue Plot development Stage directions?

A. Music

Why is stage directions important?

it is important for influecing the audience and portraying the character in the play. Without stage directions the play would not be understandable, it makes more sense and understanding with stage directions, body language is as important OS verbal and spoken language. A definite vital device :)

What is blocking in stage directions?

Blocking is the directions the director gives to actors for moves they should make in a scene. It includes stage fighting, walking, dancing and many other things a character can do onstage. In a script, blocking is usually written in italics or brackets.

What is written Words of a play?

A play script consists of dialogue, stage directions, character names, and sometimes setting descriptions. The dialogue includes the spoken lines by characters, while stage directions provide guidance on movements, expressions, and actions. The format is usually structured with character names centered and dialogue aligned to the left.

How can a reader recognize stage directions in a script?

Often stage directions are either italicized or in parentheses

What do well-crafted stage directions add to a play?

Stage directions speak for the playwright when they are absent. Well-crafted stage directions create the atmosphere and environment that the playwright intended. Stage directions dictate the actors position on stage, their mannerisms, and body language. It sets the tone and tempo of the play.