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Q: What word is used to describe the moon when it is at its closest point to earth?
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The point where the moon is closest to earth?

Because the Earth is rotating, the "closest point" to the Moon will be changing all the time. Also, the Moon is moving in its orbit, of course.

Where on earth is closest to the moon?

The Moon orbits over the tropical areas, within about 28 degrees of latitude north or south. The point on the Earth which is absolutely the CLOSEST to the Moon would be the point when the Moon reaches its "perigee". But that point moves as the Moon orbits the Earth.

What is meant by apogee and perigree?

Apogee is the point at which the moon is farthest from the earth where as perigee is the point at which the moon is closest to the earth.

Does the point on earth that is closest to the moon have a high tide?


Name the point at which the moon is closest to earth?


At what point is the moon closest to earth?

The point is called a perigee.

Does the point on earth farthest from the moon has a high tide?

Yes. High tides happen on the point on earth closest to the moon, and the opposite side of the earth.

When is the sun and the earths moon at their closest point?

That would be at the moment of the New Moon closest to perihelion, which happens to be the one closest to New Years day or January 2. The moon is then in between the Earth and sun, while the Earth/Moon system is closest to the sun.

Is it true that the point on earth that is closest to the moon has a high tide?


What planet is closest to the moon?

Earth is the closest planet to the moon and Venus follows as the second closest planet to the moon

What objects is closest to earth in all three systems?

the moon is the closest to the earth

What word is used to describe the moon at its farthest point from Earth?
