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That's called 'promoting' or 'promotion'.

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Q: What word means a move to a more important job in a company or an organization?
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IT governance is becoming a more important role because businesses are becoming better informed of the benefits of it. Since IT governance assists helping an organization more clearly define their technology strategy. It also assists in uniting the technology branch with the rest of the company.

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As you rise in the organization you will be reguid to represent your organization or business so it is important to be fluent and have a good communication skills whether verbal or in writing.

Where can one find more information about The Trump Organization?

You can find a full company profile of The Trump Organization online at the Hoovers website. You can also visit their LinkedIn profile page in order to see a more rough outline of the company.

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huh meee dhn koacheh ma nulhen ans kuraakah bodu balaa eh