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Q: What word means something that is relevant to what is being discussed?
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Relevant and irrelevant?

"Relevant" is an adjective that describes something that is closely connected to a subject being discussed, researched or investigated. An example sentence: "Her testimony was relevant to the court case." "Irrelevant" is an adjective and antonym of "relevant. It means that something is not connected or not connected to a particular subject. An example sentence: "His comment on the circus was irrelevant to our discussion on basketball."

Having a bearing on or connection with a subject at issue?

This phrase means that something is relevant or related to the topic being discussed or considered. It suggests that the thing being referenced has an impact or influence on the subject under consideration.

What does the term relevant knowledge mean?

The term "relevant knowledge" means that one would know related information about a topic that is being discussed. That information will also be related to what is being spoken about.

What does the expression as it relates to mean?

It means how something is related to something else. For example, "explain evaporation as it relates to the water cycle" they would want to know how evaporation is relevant to the water cycle and what it does to be important in that specific setting. It means that something is being discussed in a specific way that is important to the thing is is relating to, not justanythingthere is to know about thatsubjective.

What does not relevant mean?

When something is not relevant, it means that does not pertain to something. For example if you are discussing NASCAR statistics, and your friend is giving you football statistics, they would not be relevant to your discussion.

What does relevant detail from the text mean?

Relevant detail from the text refers to specific information or evidence that directly supports or relates to the main topic or argument being discussed. It helps to provide clarity, depth, and credibility to the writing by offering pertinent examples, explanations, or facts that enhance the reader's understanding.

How do you distinguish relevant to irrelevant?

Relevant means something to do with the point in question. Irrelevant is the opposite.

What does Subject to consent mean?

Subject to consent means that something is dependent on permission before being executed. Consent is given by the relevant parties.

Can a person be termed relevant?

Absolutely, relevant means having significant relation to something: My parents are relevant to having a roof over my head.

What does (in additoin) mean?

"In addition" means that something is being added or included in addition to something else that has already been mentioned or discussed. It indicates that there is more information or another point to consider or include.

What is the difference between valid and accurate?

The meaning of valid is justifiable and once being relevant and meaningful. Accurate means something is free and true without error.

Does concerning means apropos?

No, "concerning" typically indicates something causing worry or interest, while "apropos" refers to being relevant or suitable in a particular situation.