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There are two that I know of:

facetiously (jestingly, not to be taken seriously) and

abstemiously (sparingly or moderately).

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Q: What words contain all the vowels in alphabetical order and their meanings?
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What words besides sequoia contain every vowel?

facetious. And the vowels are in alphabetical order.

What is unusual about the words subcontinental and uncomplimentary?

The words Subcontinental and Uncomplimentary each contain one occurrence of each of the five vowels in reverse alphabetical order.

What is word for words with vowels in order?

Abstemious, abstemiously, abstentious and adventitious contain vowels in order. Additional words include facetious and facetiously.

What is unique about facetiously?

All 5 vowels in alphabetical order?

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What words contain all of the vowels?

Two words that contain all the English vowels (AEIOU and Y) are "facetiously" and "abstemiously" which even have them in order (also abstentiously). Other words are educationally and precariously. *For just the 5 standard vowels, see the related question below.

What English word which has all six vowels in alphabetical order?

facetiouse and abstemiousely

Do the vowels in the work uncontroversial appear in reverse alphabetical order?

no, because the 'i' is after the 'e'

What is special about the words abstemious and facetious?

All vowels (and y) in their correct order.

Name the book which contains words in the alphabetical order with their meanings?

"The Devil's Dictionary" by Ambrose Bierce consists of satirical definitions of various words in alphabetical order, along with their meanings.

What words contain all 5 vowels?

Here are a some words that contain each vowel once:sequoiafacetiousabstemiouseducationWords containing all vowels plus "y" are:abstemiouslyfacetiouslyInterestingly, only facetious and abstemiouscontain each of the vowels in alphabetical order. The word uncomplimentary contains one of each vowel in reverse order.There are quite a few more:adventitiousauthenticationauthoritiesauthorizeautomobileevacuationfavourite (UK)gourmandizemisbehaviour (UK)miscellaneousmultimillionaireoutlandishnessoutpatientpandemoniumprecariousprecautionregulationrevolutionaryremunerationtambourinetourmalineunobjectionableThe shortest word containing all five vowels without repetition is the word "eunoia" (meaning good health, or the rapport a speaker has with an audience).

What word contains all vowels in alphabetical order plus the letter y?

facetiously -Armando Patella