

Best Answer

Dark green.

A more descriptive answer:

It depends on the exact spectra the light emits, not just what it looks to us.

  • If the light combines red and green wavelengths, then the green object will appear green, because of the green wavelength. The object may have a yellowish tinge because of small reflection of the red wavelength.
  • If the light is spectral yellow and not just red + green, then the green object will appear a much darker green maybe with a slight yellow or dark-yellow tinge because of, again, small reflection of dominant yellow wavelength.
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Q: What would a green object look like in a yellow light?
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If an object reflects red and green light what color does the object appear to be?

An object that reflects green and red light would be some shade of yellow or orange, depending on the proportions.

What would a green object look like shone onto a yellow light?


If an objects reflects red and green light what color does the object appear to be?

An object that reflects green and red light would be some shade of yellow or orange, depending on the proportions.

What color does a green and orange object reflect?

An object appears a certain color to you because it reflects that color of light and absorbs other colors of light. For example, a white object appears white because it reflects all colors of visible light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). A black object appears black because it absorbs all of these colors--and as a result, none of those colors are reflected back to your eyes. Under white light, the object appears yellow-green because it reflects both yellow and green light and absorbs all other colors. (Remember, white light has all colors of visible light in it). If only green light is present, there's only green light for it to reflect--so it will appear green. If you shined yellow light on it only, it would be yellow. If you shined yellow and green light, it would appear yellow-green again. It you shined red and blue light on it, it would appear black, because it absorbs both of those colors.

What does green and yellow make?

A vey light yellow green or slightly murky yellow.

What colour would a green object look under yellow light and why?

violet, becasue of how the colours react to each other and how they work together to form green.

What color would a green object under red light?

It would be black becasue the object would absorb all the red light, and there would be no green light for it to reflect

What does green look like in yellow lights?

A green object is called "green" because that's the only color of light that it reflects to our eyes, while it absorbs any other light. If there's no green light shining on it, then there's nothing for it to reflect, and we would describe it as a "black" object under those conditions.

What colour would a green object look under a red light and why?

A green object would look blaack in a red light because coloured objects absorb all colours except the colour they are, so a green object absorbs 6 colours (red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet) and reflects 1 (green). In this situation, there is no green light to reflect and it can't reflect other colours, so it looks black. :)

What colour will a green object be if only blue light was shone on it?

Black, because the blue light would be absorbed into the object's pigment and as there is no green light to reflect, the object would appear black.

What happens when white light strikes a red opaque object. What about blue light. red light. violet light?

When white light strikes a red object, the object would appear red. The object would have reflected the red light within the white light while all other colours would have been absorbed. When blue light strikes a red object, it would appear black as there is no red light in blue light as it is a primary colour. As a result, the blue light would be completely absorbed by the red object. So no light would be reflected from the object. When violet light strikes a red object, it would appear red, as violet is a combination of blue and red light. The blue light would be absorbed while the red light would be reflected. It is good to learn and revise the light spectrum and primary and secondary light colours. Primary light colours are: Red, Green and Blue Secondary light colours are: Yellow, Cyan and Violet The combinations are: Red + Green = Yellow Green + Blue = Cyan Blue + Red = Violet (or Magenta depending on how you have been taught)