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Two bonds between the two oxygen atoms in O2.

Three bonds between the two nitrogen atoms in N2

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Q: What would an example of an atom with more than one bond be of?
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How does an atom's electronegativity relate to bonding?

The more electronegative an atom is the more "pull" the atom will have on the electrons in the molecules. For example, water (H2O) contains the very electronegative atom Oxygen. Oxygen would pull more electrons toward it so the hydrogen would essentially lose their electrons. The dipole moment would point towards the oxygen. Therefore, the more electronegative an atom is the more the dipole moment will point in its direction therefore affecting polarity of the bond.

What kind of atom is formed when atom of two or more elements bond?

It is called a molecule, for example water or carbon dioxide.

How does electronegativity affect the of the bond between two atoms?

The more electronegative an atom is the more "pull" the atom will have on the electrons in the molecules. For example, water (H2O) contains the very electronegative atom Oxygen. Oxygen would pull more electrons toward it so the hydrogen would essentially lose their electrons. The dipole moment would point towards the oxygen. Therefore, the more electronegative an atom is the more the dipole moment will point in its direction therefore affecting polarity of the bond.

How does the electronegativity affect the polarity of the bond of two atoms?

The more electronegative an atom is the more "pull" the atom will have on the electrons in the molecules. For example, water (H2O) contains the very electronegative atom Oxygen. Oxygen would pull more electrons toward it so the hydrogen would essentially lose their electrons. The dipole moment would point towards the oxygen. Therefore, the more electronegative an atom is the more the dipole moment will point in its direction therefore affecting polarity of the bond.

How does electronegatively affect the polarity of the bond between two atoms?

The more electronegative an atom is the more "pull" the atom will have on the electrons in the molecules. For example, water (H2O) contains the very electronegative atom Oxygen. Oxygen would pull more electrons toward it so the hydrogen would essentially lose their electrons. The dipole moment would point towards the oxygen. Therefore, the more electronegative an atom is the more the dipole moment will point in its direction therefore affecting polarity of the bond.

How does electronegative affect the polarity of the bond between two atoms?

The more electronegative an atom is the more "pull" the atom will have on the electrons in the molecules. For example, water (H2O) contains the very electronegative atom Oxygen. Oxygen would pull more electrons toward it so the hydrogen would essentially lose their electrons. The dipole moment would point towards the oxygen. Therefore, the more electronegative an atom is the more the dipole moment will point in its direction therefore affecting polarity of the bond.

What is more likely to form an ionic bond?

Ionic bond is between positively charged atom with a negatively charged atom The best example is salt: Na+ with Cl- to give NaCl

A bond formed when one atom transfers on or more electrons to a second atom is called?

ionic bond

Does an ionic bond form when a nonmetal atom transfers one or more valence electrons to a metal atom?

No. If the reaction described occurs at all, it would form a covalent coordinate bond.

A type of bond in which electrons are transferred?

An ionic bond results when there is a transfer of one or more electrons from atom to another atom.

Why it possible for an atom to make more than one bond?

An atom can make more than one bond if it has more than one unpaired valence electron.

Why is it possible for an atom to make more than one bond?

An atom can make more than one bond if it has more than one unpaired valence electron.