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Depends on how intermediate the rider is, and what discipline and style of riding they want to do

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Q: What would be a good age and breed for a horse small 11 year old rider who is intermediate?
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If a horse is 14.2hh is it a miniature horse or a pony or a foal or a small horse?

hi, i am a highly respected horse/pony rider. ponies are ponies until the reach the height of 14.3hh. this means that your/ the 14.2hh is a pony, no matter what breed. :)

What breed of horse is unsuitable to ride?

There is a breed of horse called falabella and they are the smallest breed so they are too small to ride.

What breed is super guus?

He is a fjord horse, a relatively small but very strong breed from Norway.

Can a 5'5 woman fit on a 14.3 horse?

Absolutely. 5'5" is generally a fairly good size of rider for a 14.3hh horse. I am 5'9" and can safely ride small horses and large ponies. BUT it depends on the size of the rider and the condition of the horse.If a rider is 5'5" but weighs 200 lbs, then you would NOT want that rider on a small horse. As long as the rider is fairly fit and their weight is fairly proportional to their height (even if they are a little overweight) then it is safe for a rider who is 5'5" to ride a 14.3hh horse.The other factor to take into account is the condition of the horse. ANY horse, no matter what size or shape, is not suitable to be ridden by ANY rider if it is lame, sick, or simply too old and frail. Even if a rider is a good size proportionally for a particular horse, a horse that is older with stiffer joints or one with bad feet may do better with a much lighter/smaller rider.Choosing an appropriate horse-rider combination is up to the owner and/or trainer. If a rider is 5'5" and of proportional body weight, and the horse who is 14.3hh is fit and of an appropriate riding level for the level of the rider, then the match is safe :-)

Another word for Small breed of horse?

Pony is a horse under 14hh (hh is 4 inch increments measured to the horse's withers) but miniature horse is a type like draft or riding horse. The breeds that tend to classify as miniature horses are Shetlands and Falabella

Is a pony a baby donkey?

No ,A pony is a small breed of horse,a donkey is a dfferant species.

Who was the first horse?

As far as the first horse breed still in existence its been discovered that the Caspian Horse (which is a very small and finely built pony in todays standards) was even older breed than the arabian, but that is yet to be proved. The Asiatic Wild Horse, is the only breed in existence older than the Caspian.

What color of horse will i get if you breed Black and white paint to solid black?

chances are you will get a black horse with white small white specks.

What is a novice rider?

a novice rider is someone who can properly groom and tack a horse. Also you can walk trot canter and jump small fences(1ft)

What is the oldest form of horse?

Eohippus (dawn horse) a small animal not much larger than a small dog, was the ancestor of living horses.The rare Prysvalski's horse is the only true wild horse, so is the oldest living breed.

Is hafflinger a horse color or a breed of horse?

Originally yes. When they were first bred, people wanted a horse that was small so that they could travel through woods and towns better, but strong and sturdy enough to carry large people in to battle and through day to day life. Nowadays, Hafflingers are their own breed and are not mixed with drafts.

Is a rider moving in dressage a bad thing?

A rider's movements in dressage should be as subtle as possible - a small movement of the heel, a flexing of the fingers. Ideally, the horse and rider should be almost a single coordinated unit, with the rider's requests being very inconspicuous and the horse's responses immediate. Bouncing on the horse's back indicates that the rider is not moving fluidly with the animal. This tends to be caused by stiffness or tension in either the horse, the rider, or both. The lowest levels of dressage (Introductory Level, which is walk and trot only, and Training Level, which is walk-trot-canter) can be ridden by people (and horses) with very little experience, and at those levels there is likely to be considerable movement of the rider, regarding both directing the horse and bouncing or moving in the saddle. However, even there, the goal is to be as "quiet" on the horse as possible.