

Best Answer

Well, is the mastectomy site healed up yet? You could use a wound healing dx. Is she the single mother of 5 kids? You could use inefective coping. Is she losing 5 lbs a week? You could do imbabanced nutrition:less than body's requirements... need more info..

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Q: What would be priority nursing diagnosis for a patient that had a masectomy and is doing chemotherapy treatments?
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Related questions

What is the difference between unsecured priority and unsecured non priority?

priority debts must be pais IN FULL, non-priority does not.

What is the abbreviation for priority?

there is no abbreviation for priority.

What is the correct sentence of I worked always priority?

'I worked always priority' is a clumsy phrase that will not make a suitable sentence. Try: My work has always been my priority. The work is always my priority. That I worked was always my priority. My priority is always that I work.

What does soft means in priority setting?

a soft priority is one that will not act if it is countermanded by another priority, a hard priority. example: a policemans soft priority is to maintain the appearance of peace. his hard priority is to keep the people under control of the elected dictator.

Difference between priority inheritance and priority ceiling protocol?

priority inheritance: when a job blocks one or more high priority jobs, it ignores its original priority assignment and executes its critical section at the highest priority level of all the jobs it blocks.priority ceiling: gives each shared resource a predefined priority ceiling. When a task acquires a shared resource, the task is hoisted (has its priority temporarily raised) to the priority ceiling of that resource. It will not see whether the job has been blocked or not, simply it raises to the priority of the shared resource.

Can you call priority on a face up contact fusion?

There is no such thing as 'calling' Priority, you either have it, or you give it to your opponent. As the turn player, you have Priority before the contact fusion, and you have Priority after it - there is no 'calling', you never lost Priority at any point.

What is the category of precedence for a Priority II casualty?


A sentence for priority?

my dogs first priority is food.

A good setence with the word priority?

Example sentences for the noun 'priority':Priority was given to those who had injuries. (subject of the sentence)The safety of the passengers is our first priority. (predicate nominative)The expenses are listed in order of priority. (object of the preposition 'of')

Can you give a sentence with the word priority?

I'm giving this example sentence top priority. Yes, it's a priority.

Are student loans priority or non-priority?

I believe the answer would be only if you need it. If you have enough money to get you through school then non-priority, if you do not have money for schooling then I would say priority.

What is the adjective for priority?

First place and prioritize are both synonyms for the word priority. Urgent is sometimes used in place of priority.