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There is no way to provide a general answer to this question. Everyone views the seder differently and everyone thinks differently.

On an emotional level though, the seder is a joyful family celebration of remembering the Exodus and giving thanks to God.

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Q: What would be uppermost in a Jew's mind during the passover seder?
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Which event in history would be uppermost in a Jews mind during the passover meal?

The Exodus from Egypt.

Can you eat chicken on passover?

You can eat meat on Passover - as long as you don't roast it. If it's not at the Seder, you can even roast it! _________ Most people who eat meat tend to eat more meat than usual during Passover. Three is no prohibition against roasting meat during Pesach (Passover) Also, during Shabbat and other holy days there is a tradition of eating at least 2 types of meat during the main meal.

When is a seder plate used passover or all Jewish holidays?

Anyone who is hosting a Passover Seder (the ritual dinner on the first two nights of Passover), would have a Seder plate. It's usually placed in the center of the dinner table. It is a special plate containing symbolic foods eaten and displayed during the Passover Seder. The foods are arranged on the plate has special significance to the retelling of the story of the exodus from Egypt, which is the focus of the Seder. There are 6 ritual items, five of them are on the Seder Plate: • Bitter herbs, symbolizing the bitterness of slavery, which the Hebrews endured in Egypt. • A sweet mixture of chopped nuts, grated apples, cinnamon, and sweet wine called "Charoset", represents the mortar used by the Jewish slaves in building Egypt. • A vegetable, usually Parsley or Endive , which is dipped into salt water to represent the tears of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt. • A roasted lamb or shankbone, chicken wing, or chicken neck; symbolizing the Passover sacrifice, which was a lamb that was offered in the Temple in Jerusalem. This item is not eaten. • A hard-boiled egg, symbolizing the mourning of the destruction of the Temple and our inability to offer any kind of sacrifices in honor of the Passover holiday today. (eggs are the first thing served to mourners after a funeral) • The sixth ritual food is Matzos, which is placed on a separate plate. There are many decorative and artistic Seder Plates, but any plate large enough to hold all the ritual food items can be used.

Is there a Christian Seder?

Some Christian congregations seek to find meaning in the Jewish celebration of Passover by engaging in "seder meals" that try to replicate the Last Supper which, according to some authorities, was a Seder. Whether or not this is true is not the answer to this question. But it does raise the issue of whether or not there needs to be a Christian Seder. Other Christian congregations create their own "talk feast" (the Greek antecedent to the Passover Seder) that usurp Jewish symbols and imbue them with Christian interpretations. This is totally inappropriate, and many Jews feel insulted when they learn of these (ab)uses of their traditions. My answer to this overall question is "no" and here is why. The Seder is a Jewish celebration commemorating an event, legendary or real, in the life of the Jewish people. As such, it would be inappropriate for a Christian denomination to adopt the Seder to any purpose other than understanding their own scriptural roots or their Jewish neighbors. I am not sensitive enough to the need of understanding the Seder in context of the Last Supper; I just don't get the connection myself. But if a Christian congregation wishes to know what the Passover Seder is like in order to get a flavor of the context of biblical times, that would be fine. There is a danger of changing the Jewish Seder into a Christian observance, and this would be wrong. So, no, there would be no need or use for a Christian Seder.

Was fish served at the last supper?

No. At the Last Supper, also commonly called The Last Passover, Jesus and his apostles celebrated a yearly event that Jews and Israelites had celebrated since the day they were release from slavery to Egypt in the 1500's BCE. This yearly memorial, called the passover, was instituted in Exodus chapter 12, and there God commanded the Israelites to take a sheep (or goat) to sacrifice. The Israelites continued in this tradition down to Jesus' day.

What should you do and what should you not do during Passover?

If you wish to observe the traditions of Passover, there is an elaborate formal dinner called a seder, during which there are discussions of the Jewish exodus from Egypt, and there are related songs, and various special foods. The only special prohibition during the Passover holiday is against leavened bread. Bread, or any baked goods, that were made using yeast, to make them rise and become soft and fluffy, are prohibited during this holiday (which officially lasts for 8 days, although normally you would have only one seder, on either the first or second day). Unleavened bread, particularly matzoh, is eaten instead, at this time.

What would happen if the passover meal was missed or forgotton?

It's impossible to forget about having a seder. If it was missed due to location, illness, etc, there's always next year.

What was the shank of lamb used for in the Passover?

The shank bone, typically displayed on the seder plate during Pesach or Passover, symbolized the sacrificial lamb. The blood from the lamb was supposedly used to paint the door and window frames of Jewish households to identify them to the angel of death when it slew the firstborn sons of the Egyptians, so that it would "pass over" those houses and spare the Jewish children.

Can you eat grits during Passover?

Real granola, which contains oats and wheat, is chametz and cannot be eaten during Passover.

How do Jews sit on Passover?

They sit like any one normally would, aside from a few occasions at the seder. When eating the Matza and drinking the four cups of wine, Jews recline to their left.

What is a good Passover gift?

Passover is not a gift giving holiday. If the question is regarding what to bring your hostess during Pesach (Passover), appropriate gifts are kosher le pesach wine, chocolates, dried fruits and nuts. There are also really nice tea gift boxes and things like that. I assume that you mean children gifts; educational games, such as QuestZion or Kosherland are mostly recommended by Jewish parents and educators. If you are looking for more adult-like gifts, then kosher wine, Seder plates, or some products of Israel would be very appropriate.

What kind of candles should you light for passover and how many?

There is no tradition of lighting candles at a seder. The only time candles would be lit is if the first seder falls on Shabbat (Friday night).