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Radiator cap

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Q: What would cause Both radiator hoses to collapsed?
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What would cause a water leak in your 98 Le Sabre?

Where is it leaking from? Could leak from the radiator, hoses, or water pump.

What would cause the engine to overheat in a 1986 1.8L Hyundai excel?

low coolant ,froze thermostat ,leaks in hoses ,radiator

What would cause your 1999 Dakota to all of a sudden start leaking coolant?

sounds like water pump.check radiator hoses as well

What would cause a radiator water leak from under the hood if not hoses leaking?

maybe your radiator is broken and you need to get a new one or just get a reparation if the radiator starts leaking when is in use it may be leaking because of the pressure of the water.

What could cause the engine to over heat on a 1990 Buick Skylark?

I would say that you are losing coolant somewhere hoses,water pump,radiator.

Why does my Chrysler Town and Country van run the antifreeze out until it gets halfway in the radiator?

The most likely cause would be an external leak. Possible sources include hoses, radiator, and water pump.

Where is the radiator located on my Ford f 150 1999?

The radiator would be located at the front of your engine compartment on your Ford F-150 . It has ( 2 ) larger diameter radiator hoses ( one hose at the top of the radiator and one hose at the bottom of the radiator on the opposite end of the radiator ) that connect the radiator to the engine . The radiator hoses are rubber

Is there ment to be oil coming out of the bottom hoses of a radiator?

If you are speaking about the two small hoses, yes. That would be transmission fluid.

Why would your radiator still be leaking even after it has been replaced?

Maybe it's not the radiator. Maybe it is one of the radiator hoses that is leaking. Or possibly the radiator cap or a level sensor.

Why does a car radiator produce steam when broken down in the summer?

There are plenty of ways a car can break down without the radiator being a part of the cause. As for the reason you'd see steam from a radiator, it would escape if there was a leak in the radiator or the hoses, or if the cap was opened. The contents in a radiator are very hot - hot enough to produce steam.

What would cause 1995 ahieva s to over heat gradually you have changed the anti-freeze and it does the same thing?

Low coolant Plugged or dirty radiator Defective radiator cap Bad thermostat Cooling fans not working Water pump Radiator hoses collapsing

What do you do nextive replaced the water pumpthe thermostatand the intake manifold gaskets and your 2001 Chevy malibe is still overheating?

Check to see if you are loosing coolant. If so determine where it is going. If it is going into the cylinders via a gasket the Oil on the dipstick will be grey. If it excaping via a hose connection you should see a wet area by either the radiator or heater hoses. Check the engine timing. Improper timing will cause overheating. Flush out the Radiator. That is a good idea every few years anyway. Check for a collapsed Radiator hose. I would suggest replacing all hoses about every 5 years. Check to see if the radiator is clogged with bugs or weeds.