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It could be they were sick BEFORE you bought them. Often times fish that are bought at pet stores don't live very long. I myself had a fantail goldfish bought at a small pet store that lived 6 years. But that seems to be the exception, not the rule.

I would look at all the fish in the store before I bought one. Often times what other fish look like might be an indication of how well the fish are. Fish are finicky. They require such care, and a certain environment to survive, so it can be tricky to care for them.

I think it could be new tank syndrome.When you firstset up your tank you must always (seed)your filter.To do this add only 1 or two hardy fish and feed sparingly,you can also buy a product called filter start which will let you add more fish after aweek or two.youshould also test your pH,nitrite,and ammonia levels,ammonia is a killer of fish.

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Q: What would cause a tropical fish to die after only a few weeks?
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Can you put tropical fish in tank with goldfish?

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All species of tropical fish could be found in the warm seas around the equator.

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No, catfish is not a tropical fish.

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Yes they would be fine (if they are plants that are ment to live underwater) for the betta splenden aka Siamese fighter fish (assuming that is the betta you are refering to) as it is a tropical fish

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Yes, it is bad to put tropical fish in with river fish. The river fish can make the tropical fish sick.

What do tropical fishes eat?

I have tropical fish and i feed them fish food which says on the label 'tropical fish'.But tropical fish that live in the ocean eat either other smaller fish or worms, really anything they can find.

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