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if you inject straight into your body you die!

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Q: What would distilled water do to blood cells?
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What will happen to blood cells place in the stailed water?

Your question is confusing, did you mean "distilled" water? Your body & cells live and function not in a pure water environment, but water with several electrolytes in specific concentrations: sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and several others. If you placed red blood cells into pure water (distilled water) that did not have any of the electrolytes mentioned above, the distilled water would enter the blood cells through the process of osmosis. The basic idea of osmosis is that if there is a chemical gradient and a permeable membrane separating this gradient, there will be a transfer of water trying to reach an equillibrium. The solution in your red blood cells would be hyperosmotic compared to the distilled water. The cell membranes are semi-permeable, and would allow some of the distilled water to enter the cell, trying to balance the osmolarity. The effect would be that the red blood cells would swell with distilled water and likely burst--like an over-filled water balloon. If enough red blood cells were to pop, they could release enough electrolytes into the distilled water to keep other red blood cells from swelling and popping.

Would osmosis have a higher concentration of water molecules distilled water or red blood cells?

distlled water

What would be the effect on red cell volume if distilled water were administered intravenously?

Blood and blood cells contain certain amounts of various ions, meaning that distilled water would be highly hypotonic in comparison. The osmotic pressure would cause the water to enter red blood cells, causing them to swell and burst.

What will happen to the red blood cells if large quantities of distilled water is injected into a person's veins?

They would change in volume.

What happens to red blood cells when they are placed in distilled water?

because of osmosis it would get fatter and fatter with water till it burst. aww.

What is the process called when diluting red blood cells in distilled water?

I think its osmosis because the water potential in the distilled water is higher than in the red blood cell. Henceforth, water would move into the cell by osmosis. But, I don't think the cell will be diluted because it will swell and eventually haemolysis will occur.

What would happen if you received a transfusion of distilled water?

If a red blood cell is placed into a hypotonic solution then the water concentration inside the cell is lower than outside the cell. The salt concentration is higher inside the cell than outside. So, due to the process of osmosis (water will travel from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration) and the water will enter the red blood cell, increasing the pressure inside the cells. Red blood cells only have a thin membrane, they therefore can not cope with this high pressure and will eventually burst.

What will happen if distilled water is hypotonic to a red blood cell?

The red blood cell would swell because more water would pass in than it would pass out.

What would happen if you placed a slice of cucumber in distilled water?

If a cucumber is placed in distilled water, the water molecules will flow into the cell by osmosis. This happens because the distilled water solution has a lower osmotic pressure than the cucumber cell.

What would happen to a red blood cell if placed in distilled water without any solution?


Which has a higher water potential red blood cells or water?

Distilled water would have a higher water potential than a red blood cell because the formula for obtaining water potential is -iCRT, where i=ionization constant, C=molar concentration, R=pressure constant--usually 0.0831 liter bars/mole K, and T=temperature in Kelvins. Since distilled has a molar concentration of 0, the water potential would be 0. And a red blood cell would have a negative water potential because it does have some sort of molar concentration. Thus, distilled water would have a higher water potential because 0 is greater than a negative number. As a note, water always flows from areas of higher water potential to areas of lower water potential. Therefore, it is easy to imagine that water flows toward more concentrated solutions, meaning it would flow to the red blood cell. If distilled water flows to the red blood cell, then it must have a higher water potential than the red blood cell.

Explain how the use of distilled water in place of this saline solution would be expected to upset the patient's homeostasis?

The saline solution used in hospital I.V.s is a solution with about the same water concentration as the human body. If distilled water were used instead, the imbalance of concentrations of salt between the water and the body would cause cells to react, and the process of osmosis to cause them to bloat up with water, potentially damaging them.