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the body will start digesting slower

if you dont believe me do a research your self

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Q: What would happen if a persons digestive process if fewer enzymes were produced?
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What do the enzymes in the digestive system and hydrolases have in common?

Enzymes in the digestive system speed up the breakdown of food. The process of these enzymes breaking down the food in the digestive tract is known as hydrolases.

Digestive enzymes or hydrolytic enzymes are terms associated with?

Digestive enzymes or hydrolytic enzymes are associated with breaking down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body. These enzymes play a crucial role in the digestion process by catalyzing the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into their basic building blocks for absorption in the intestines.

What do digestive enzymes split starch into?

Digestive enzymes break down starch into smaller molecules called maltose, which is a disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules. This process begins in the mouth with the enzyme amylase and continues in the small intestine with enzymes like maltase and sucrase.

Do digestive enzymes slow down digestion?

Digestive enzymes actually help speed up the digestion process by breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body more easily. They work in coordination with the body's natural digestive processes to enhance overall digestion and absorption of nutrients.

What does the digestive glands do for a crayfish?

The digestive glands in a crayfish help to produce digestive enzymes that aid in breaking down food into nutrients that can be absorbed by the crayfish's body. These glands are essential for the digestion process and help ensure that the crayfish can obtain the necessary nutrients from its food.

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What would happen if a person's digestive process if fewer enzymes were produced?


Process that releases digestive enzymes is?


What are chemicals found in the digestive process called?

They are called digestive enzymes. There are many that are used in the process, beginning in the mouth with enzymes that begin the break down of starches.

What do the enzymes in the digestive system and hydrolases have in common?

Enzymes in the digestive system speed up the breakdown of food. The process of these enzymes breaking down the food in the digestive tract is known as hydrolases.

These secrete digestive enzymes in the mouth to help the digestive process begin in the mouth?

Salivary glands.

What are organelles containing digestive enzymes called?

Lysosomes are the organelles that have digestive enzymes. The main purpose of these organelles is to help with the digestion process.

How does the presence of specific enzymes effect the digestive process?

The stuff is digested!

What are five digestive enzymes secreted by the intestinal glands?

Five digestive enzymes that are secreted by the intestinal glands are peptidases, sucrase, maltase, lactase and intestinal lipase. These enzymes are important in the process of digestion.

What happens in the mouth at the beginning of the digestive process?

The action of chewing produces extra saliva - which contains digestive enzymes.

What are digestive enzymes?

Digestive enzymes supplement the diet and help the body with almost every function on a cellular level. The benefits of digestive enzymes include weight loss, better digestion and assimilation of nutrients, and more!

Digestive enzymes or hydrolytic enzymes are terms associated with?

Digestive enzymes or hydrolytic enzymes are associated with breaking down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body. These enzymes play a crucial role in the digestion process by catalyzing the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into their basic building blocks for absorption in the intestines.

What is the function of the intestinal gland?

Its function is to complete the process begun by the pancreatic juice.