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Q: What would happen if a rat chewed entire digestive system?
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Where does a cow have bacteria that brakes down chewed grass?

Throughout the entire digestive system, including the mouth(saliva).

What do the six main organs in the digestive system do?

the six main organs help digest the chewed food

How the digestive system starts?

In humans, digestion begins in the mouth where food is chewed and and swallowed with the assistance of the salivary glands.

What would happen if one of the organs in the digestive system?

If one of the organs in the digestive system, then.

What will happen if digestive system and circulatory system after eating a meal?

Circulation to the digestive system increases to help the body digest food.

What will happen when the digestive system stops working?

we will die

Where in the digestive system will emulsification happen?

small intestine

What would happen if the circulatory system and the digestive system did not work together?

you will die

What happen if digestive system organs are not healthy?

The organ system breaks down.

What part of the digestive system is dry and stinky?

No part of the digestive system is dry and stinky. The colon is stinky because microbes are breaking down your undigestible food. The entire digestive system is lubricated with mucus and so is not dry.

What is the interior cavity of the digestive tract?

Food does not go 'Inside' of your digestive system. It remains 'Outside' of the digestive system. So most of the digestion is extracellular. So from mouth to anus the entire digestive system is connected to the 'Exterior' and is not technically and immunologically 'Inside' your body.

Are the digestive system and skeletal system are made of cells?

Yes. Your entire body is made of cells. Cells > tissues > organs > organ systems (such as digestive and skeletal).