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Nothing. Two acids don't react with each other.

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Q: What would happen if acetic acid was mixed with hydrochloric acid?
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it will explode

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What would happen if sodium borate and HCl were mixed?

Sodium borate forms Boric acid's precipitates in aqueous solution when reacts with Hydrochloric acid. Na3BO3 + 3HCl = H3BO3 + 3NaCl

How would your results be affected if acids other than acetic acid were present in the vinegar?

1. If acids other than the acetic acid were present in the vinegar, it would be difficult to determine the percent of just the acetic acid, since it would be mixed with another acid.

What would happen if you ate hydrochloric acid?

It would very much depend on the strength of the acid, which you do not indicate. Your stomach is already full of hydrochloric.

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What would you get if you mixed copper with hydrochloric acid?

Nothing, Cu is not oxidised by dilute HCl

What gas would you make if you mixed hydrochloric acid with magnesium?

magnesium chloride? LOL

What would happen if the excess acetic anhydride is not removed in the reaction vessel?

If the excess acetic anhydride is not removed in the reaction vessel an unwanted reaction will occur. The acetic anhydride will react causing esterification.

What gas would be given off if graphite hydrochloric were mixed?

None, no gas is given off.

What gas would you get if you mixed hydrochloric acid with calcium?

Those compounds produce hydrogen (gas).

What would happen if Argon and Copper mixed together?

Nothing would happen.