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Then it would be the end for that species in one generation.

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Q: What would happen if all individuals in a species were sterile?
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What would happen if all individuals in a species were sterile not able to have babies?

If all individuals in a species were sterile the species would become extinct

What would happen if individuals in a species were sterile?

Then it would be the end for that species in one generation.

What would happen if all individuals in a species?

If individuals in a species never reproduce ,it would mean an end to that species on earth

What would happen if humans and canines reproduced?

They cannot. Should the sperm and egg of these two species meet, nothing will happen. Nature does not allow it. Only animals of similar genus - like lions and tigers, or horses and donkeys, can conceive outside their species. Most of the time their offspring is sterile.

Would a wolf have cubs with a tiger?

No, they would not. Further to that, they could not. They are genetically too different to have a sterile child between them. (This is opposed to a horse and an ass which while different species can create sterile mules.)

What would happen if there were no pioneer species?

If there were no pioneer species there wouldn't be any species ya see

What would happen if a gorilla and a giraffe get it on?

Nothing would happen, they are different species and therefore cannot breed.

What would happen if dolphins lost their adaptations?

The species would die out.

What might happen if a species A moved a niche occupied by species B?

One species would be forced to leave.

What might happen if a species moved into a niche occupied by another species?

One species would be forced to leave.

What would happen if a species disppeared from an ecosystem?

If species disappeared from an ecosystem the balance in the ecosystem will be altered.

What would happen if there was no pioneer species?

i think that there will be no humans on earth