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Well, I think that they'd be more dead animals around. Plus scavengers include a lot of vital animals that are the key to survival to man-kind. So I guess we all know what would happen to us...

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i'm not sure if you go to a libary or museum the answer my be there

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13y ago

v will also die.......

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Q: What would happen if all the herbivores died?
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What would happen if herbivores died?

they would just die

What would happen to the other organisms if all the plants in this ecosystem died?

they would die too

Why does there need to be more plants then herbivores?

Because if the plants were all eaten up, there would be nothing left for the herbivores to eat. Also, the oxygen that the plants supplies are needed by the herbivores to survive.

What will happen if you kill all herbivores?

Ultimately, all life will die, because there will be no food source for the carnivores and throw all life out of place, leaving only the producers.

What might happen in community if all the nitrogen fixing bacteria died?

organisms in in the community would get sick or die

Related questions

What would happen if there where no herbivores left on earth?

All meat eaters would die

What would happen if lions were removed from food chain?

there would be a lot of herbivores and eventually all the herbivores would have eaten most of the grass and some would start dying

What would happen to the zebras and lions if most grass died of a long drought?

Lions feed on mostly herbivores, which includes zebras. Herbivores eat plants, and if there were no more plants, herbivores would starve to death, which would cause lions to turn to other animals for food. They might all die from lack of water before then, though.

What would happen if herbivores died?

they would just die

What would happen to humans if all the spiders died?

we would all be eaten by flies

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We would have all died

If all plant died then all animals would die or if all plants then the rabbits would die or if all plants died then foxes would live if some rabbits were left to breed?

If all Plants died, all the animals would die. Herbivores eat plants, Carnivores eat the herbivores and,that preatty much explains it. There is also the cycle of energy if a producer gets eaten by a primary consumer that consumer would be eaten by the secondary consumer until it reaches the tertiary consumer.

What would happen if all of the herbivores died out?

if all animals would be herbivores then there would be more plant eating animals but plants and trees would not increase and one or the other day all herbivores also will be extinct.

What would happen if all the seahorses died?

If all the seahorses died the crabs, tuna, and penguins would have to find another source of food.

What would happen to the environment if there were no consumers?

if all secondary consumers or predators will be killed.the population of herbivores will increase.there will be no living things.

What would happen to the community if Jonas had an accident and was lost and died?

The community would get all the memories

What would happen to the community if Jonas had an accident or was lost or died?

The community would get all the memories