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the economics would be low.

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Q: What would happen if half the earth got over populated?
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every thing would weigh half its normal weight

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allways one half of earth only will get sunlight

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If an impact caused the earth to stop rotating it would have already caused damage. For example: If a meteor hit the earth it would crack the earth into pieces, therefore we would be frozen in the darkness for half a year and toasted from the sun the other half.

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Earth will be a little colder on parts

What would happen if every one on the earth jumps together?

nothing will happen. as we are very small in comparison to earth if every will jump also then the force produced will be get nullified by us and half remaining will not be enough to effect earth. In short u will be wasting your energy.

What do you think will happen if the earth is not tilted 23 one half degree?

All other things being equal then we would not have seasons. That would be the most obvious result.

What would happen if we had lack of sheilter?

half of the world would be homeless.

How would you use equator in a sentence?

The equator splits up half of the earth. The equator is a line that splits half of the earth

What would happen to the mass of a candy bar if it was cut in half?

If a candy bar was cut in half the mass would decrease.

What is it called for the earth to travel around the earth in sevin and a half minuts?

How would the earth travel around the earth?

Assuming that the earth was somehow split in half can you fall off the edge of the one half of the earth?

Hopefully, this is a thought experiment! It is gravitational attraction that keeps objects "stuck" to the Earth, so if the Earth split into half, you would still be attracted to it - although by half as much (as the mass of the Earth would have been halved). So you still couldn't fall off.

If you traveled from north to south half of the earth where would you cross?

Half way would be the Equator (zero latitude).