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In that case, the Moon would move in a straight line instead of moving around the Earth; it would quickly get away.

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Q: What would happen if the force of earth's gravity suddenly stop pulling in the moon?
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If there was suddenly no gravity, the planets would continue to move at the same speed in the current direction they are facing in a straight line until a collision occurs. By the way, if gravity suddenly stopped, the laws of physics would suddenly, drastically change, because gravity is one of the four fundamental interactions.

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Thr body's mass would not change, but its weight would suddenly disappear.

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If there were no other forces, there would be nothing to stop gravity from pulling Earth together into an extremely small space.

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If gravity suddenly went away, we would fall off and float in space <DEADDD!!!> ....................................................... If there had never been such a thing as gravity, there would be no planets or stars to create life to fall off of them. They were formed and placed due to gravity.

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What would happen to the Earth if the force of gravity suddenly did not exist?

well thats easy, it would fly away from the sun in a straight line.