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Q: What would happen if the judicial branch disappeared?
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What would happen if the judicial branch didn't exist?

Without the Judicial Branch then the Legislative Branch would be free to pass any law without regard to its constitutionality.

Which of three branch is responsible for deciding what law mean?

Judicial Branch

The branch of government that would be involved with court cases would be what branch?

Judicial branch

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You would die.

What branch decides what laws mean and if they are fair?

I would say the Judicial Branch.

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if the oxygen

What branch holds judicial power?

I'd assume it'd be the Judicial Branch. Judicial power, more or less, is the ability to interpret and initiate the law, which would be under the authority of a judge.

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Everything would die

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Which branch of the gorvernment can declare a law unconstitutional?

The judicial branch but really all three branches have checks and balances so there is a good chance an unconstitutional would never be passed but it does happen from time to time thus the judicial branches power to declare a law /bill / amendment, unconstitutional