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The earth would be quite a bit colder (I think it's like -18 degrees C, or 0o F). This would be too cold for humans, and most other life on the planet.

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Q: What would happen if there was not enough greenhouse gases?
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What would happen if the amount of greenhouse gases were reduced?

If the amount of greenhouse gases were reduced, then the temperature of the earth would cool.

What would happen if greenhouse gases increased?

The air will turn warmer, because if greenhouse gases increase (which they are), less heat energy will be able to leave Earth, so the temperature rises.

What would happen to the global climate if there were a dramatic decrease in greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere?

The climate would start cooling.

What would happen to global temperatures if the amount of greenhouse gases increased or decreased?

increased = Hotter Decreased = Coler

Can greenhouse gas kill animals?

Sulfur dioxide is a greenhouse gas, I would not recommend inhaling it. Many greenhouse gases will kill animals, but they are rarely found in concentrations large enough to be problematic.

Why would you die with out greenhouse gases?

Without greenhouse gases keeping the planet warm we would all be frozen, yes, and die.

What would be the temperature on the earth with greenhouse gases?

The earth's overall temperature with greenhouse gases is 76442 degrees F.

How do gases contribute to the greenhouse effect?

Green house gases can cause great pollution to the atmoshprere and that leads to global warming and that can make life on earth extremely hard.

What would happen to the earth if you did not have these greenhouses gases in the atmosphere?

The earth would be too cold for life. Greenhouse gases have been essential for life on this planet, and have kept Earth warm for millions of years.

What would happen if gases absorbs visible light?

Earth's atmosphere does have greenhouse gases. These gases absorb some of the infrared radiation emitted by Earth's surface. If it did not, Earth would grow warmer and warmer as it absorbed more and more solar radiation. Greenhouse gas molecules absorb and emit infrared radiation.

Why would increased levels of greenhouse gases contribute to higher temperatures?

Greenhouse gases trap the heat rising fom the earth. Increased levels of greenhouse gases mean that global warming will get worse.

Why is a greenhouse important?

Greenhouse help grow plants that are not used to being in that environment. Greenhouses are warmer than the outside air. You could also go to and search what greenhouses do for more details... hope I could help