

Best Answer

In the worst case senario it would cause a dangerous hull breach that destroys the ship before evacutation is even sugested. In the best case senario it would give at least 10 seconds to evacuate.


Uh... no? Read the question. The question was not, "What would happen if you shot a ship with a Star Destroyer turbolaser turret, damaging the warp core containment field?" Here's my original answer, answering the actual question: "Doesn't matter if you shot it with a bullet; the antimatter would react with matter, causing a (you guessed it) matter-antimatter reaction."

First answerer:

How STUPID are you? The blast would puncture the anti-deuterium and duterium tanks, and maybe the plasma coolant tanks as well. The coolant leakage would vaporize organic things (Star Trek First Contact) (like people) and the anti-duterium and duterium would react violently with each other uncontrollably (Memory Alpha). Then it would cause a hull breach that destroys the ship in a matter of minutes, or even a few seconds. Read the question? HUH? I asked this question BEFORE I knew this stuff and had to look it up because the person who wrote the first anwer was too incompetent. The question was " if you shot a warp core with a star destoryer turbolaser, what would happen and how soon?"

I have to amit that I asked this dumb question so that i would get to the top list of question askers.

Dahat whatever your number is, YOU wasted my time because of your stupid answers.

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Q: What would happen if you shot a warp core with a Star Destroyer turborlaser turret?
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The writer asked what it would happen after that.

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