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It'll eventually die, that's for sure.

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Q: What would happen to a goldfish that could not open its mouth?
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What would happen to a goldfish that cannot open its mouth?

if the goldfish's mouth couldn't open then it wouldn't be able to eat and it would end up dying.

What would happen if a goldfish could not open it's mouth?

he wouldn't be able to eat

How do you swallow a live goldfish?

Just because you see your goldfish picking up gravel in its mouth does not mean the goldfish is actually swallowing gravel. In all probability the fish is simply rolling the gravel around and sucking the algae and whatever else is attached to it and eating that.

Do axolotls eat goldfish?

Axolotls will eat anything meatwise they can grab so a goldfish would be fair game.

What is the conclusion would be best for how may times a goldfish opens its mouth in one minute?

42 times in one minute

How does the mouth of a goldfish work?

Goldfish have pharyngeal teeth which are near the back of the throat, so they may chew their food in some way, but not the same way that humans or animals with normal teeth would

What happen if mouth of mouth of fished closed?

It would die because of lack of oxygen, and lack of food.

Do goldfish eat other goldfish?

If they are not friendly goldfish species than they will but in general they don't. If they do than you probably don't feed them enough but that is really unlikely.yes they do. Its all a matter of size.

What would happen if you argue with the pharaoh in ancient Egypt?

You would have your mouth burned, or would be tortured.

What would happen if you had a paper cut and you stuck your finger in your friends mouth?

Jordan, why would you do that. /).-

What would happen if you eat too much sugar?

Sperm would come out of your mouth

What would happen if you put Mentos and Diet Coke in your mouth?

Do not try it. If you have seen what it does outside your mouth, imagine what it would do inside.