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Q: What would happen to a nerve if the interneuron is damage?
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What would happen if the ventral root of a spinal nerve were damage or transected?

There are a number of things that would happen if the ventral root of a spinal nerve were damage or transected, This would mainly cause the loss of the sensory function and there would be neuropathic pain among other effects.

Would an mild electric shock cause nerve damage?

Yes it would cause a nerve damage but it depends on where and how long you give mild electric shock to somebody. i think so?

Why would a chicken be able to walk if there was some damage to the nerve in the foot?

The chicken would be able to walk with nerve damage in their foot, because it still has use of the rest of its leg. It is likely that there would be some impairment.

How do nerve cells help the body?

If you didn't have nerve cells, you could bleed out quickly. One example is if there's a needle on the ground and you accidentally stepped on it, the nerve cells will transfer the pain to your brain, then you would feel it and you would take care of the damage. If you didn't have them, you wouldn't feel the pain then you'll bleed out. You don't want that to happen. That's why you have nerve cells!

What would happen if you went to hear one of Shakespeare's plays?

nothing would happen but it would be quite nerve racking

What happen if a man's liver has nerve?

There would be no alcoholics in the world.

How would damage to the phrenic nerve affect breathing?

It would force reliance on coastal breathing

What would be the result of damage to ventral root of a spinal nerve?

Would lead to loss of both sensory & motor function. Ventral ramus is the anterior division of a spinal nerve.

What would happen if the anterior ramus of the spinal nerve is damaged or transected?

The end organ or muscle innervated by that particular spinal nerve component would atrophy.

What would happen if nerve cells were not covered in layer of insulation?

i dont kmepr

What would happen if the brain and spinal cord didn't have nerve cells?


The dendrite of a sensory neuron would receive impulses from an interneuron?

yes my love