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Muscle contractions would be prevented, causing paralysis.

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Q: What would happen to people exposed to a chemical warfare agent that blocked acetylcholine from binding to muscle receptors?
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What happens when acetylcholine receptors are blocked?

There are several compounds and drugs that may block acetylcholine receptors. They are collectively known as cholinergic antagonists.

A nerve poison that blocked neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites would?

prevent transmission across the synaptic cleft

Why is it difficult to smell something with blocked nose?

Because the mucus blocking your nose is preventing the smell receptors doing their 'job' properly.

The chemical used in explosives and to enlarge blocked blood vessels is what?

It is called nitroglycerin.

What is the definition of the word opiods?

An opioid is a naturally occurring compound that will bind to opioid receptors within your body. When an opioid receptor is blocked by an opioid a person is likely to feel less pain.

Can you take Tylenol 3 with codeine while on methadone if you are in extreme pain from toothaches and headaches?

Yes but it probably wont work since your receptors are blocked with methadone

Is it possible to smell underwater?

No. Unless you're in a Submarine or you're in a container that is complete blocked off from water while submerged in it. In order for you to smell, air must be present so the chemical compounds of what you're trying to smell can move freely. Also your nasal passages must be clear so that the receptors in your nose can receive these compounds. Water completely blocks everything.

Why does high level of atropine cause vasodilation?

this from katznug pharma( almost all vessels containendothelial muscarinic receptors that mediate vasodilationThese receptors are readily blocked by antimuscarinic drugs.At toxic doses, and in some individuals at normal doses, antimuscarinic agents cause cutaneousvasodilation, especially in the upper portion of the body. The mechanism is unknown)

What parts of brain do the neurolyptics effect?

The theory behind why individuals develop 'psychotic' symptoms is based upon the idea that there are elevated levels of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a molecule that passes messages between neurons. For example, when a nerve impulse arrives at a dopaminergic neuron (also known as a pre-synaptic neuron), dopamine is released from the cell and diffuses through a space between two neurons, called the synaptic cleft. Dopamine then binds to specific dopamine receptors on a different neuron (post-synaptic neuron) producing a specific signal, impulse or effect. Dopamine is then released from its receptors and 're-absorbed' into the pre-synaptic neuron, or degraded by enzymes in the synaptic cleft. The neuroleptics block dopamine receptors thereby inhibiting the ability of dopamine to attach to these receptors and generate signals. However, unlike the typical neuroleptics, the atypicals merely transiently block the receptors therefore allowing some dopamine to bind to the receptors and generate signals. The atypical neuroleptics are also able to block serotonin receptors located on dopaminergic neurons. When serotonin binds to these receptors it inhibits dopamine release. However as these receptors are blocked by atypical neuroleptics, the dopamine secretion is increased. The transient rather than permanent blocking of dopamine receptors and the blocking of serotonin receptors and subsequent increases in dopamine, it is for these reasons that the atypicals are thought to produce fewer adverse effects than the typical neuroleptics. However, the atypical drugs differ in their 'stickyess' when binding to dopamine receptors and also in the ratio of which dopamine ad serotonin receptors are affected. This may result in some atypicals producing higher levels of specific adverse effects than others. The atypicals may also bind to other receptor types, producing further adverse effects (see side effects of atypicals section).

When a stalemate is a situation in which further action is blocked. The stalemate during World War 1 was broken in 1917 by?

the use of chemical weapons.

A stalemate is a situation in which further action is blocked. The stalemate during World War 1 was broken in 1917 by?

the use of chemical weapons.

Why is Webkinz blocked?

If it is blocked at home your parents blocked it, but if it is blocked at school the blocked it because it was a game.