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Either extinction of several species or over population. For instance if the trophic level of grasses and small plants died out, then there would be exinction of all species that rely on that source (soley or in majority) as food. If an upper trophic level such as large carnivors died out then you would see an over population of the animals that the large carnivor ate as a majority of its diet.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Unlike what I'd expected from this question, "trophic levels" or, as they are more commonly designated, "trophic dynamics," have nothing to do with the Titanic or similar ship malfunctions but, instead, is the proper scientific term of describing one's position in the food chain. As one goes down the food chain, say from being a fish eagle at a food chain's apex down through that food chain's nadir, the plankton eaten by the fish eaten by the fish eagle, several interesting things occur. The further down one resides in the chain, the more food and energy one provides for the animals who prey upon you. The plankton, for example, are responsible in their way for providing energy to the fish eagle. Think about it. These bottom of the food chain dwellers are called "primary producers." So, the lower you go, the more you--via your very life--are both called on and required to produce. If you do further research, you will find out how this works for each trophic level. Very interesting, by the way.

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11y ago

Since biodiversity plays a crucial role in human nutrician this will cause big disruptions.

Wiping out means that we are losing lots of nature's chemicals and genes of the kind we studied and would also be losing the healt benefits that it brings with it.

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13y ago

The trophic levels above the wiped out level would die because they wouldn't have food to eat, and the levels below would grow because their predators were gone.

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Population sizes decrease at higher trophic levels. If they increased the insects population would decrease meaning there would be less food available for the birds so their population size would then decrease. Look at the relationships between predator and prey species for more information