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Many credit the US with supplying the Soviet Union during WWII. This is true, the US helped, but don't forget the Russians managed to build 50,000+ T-34 tanks all by themselves, their fighters, bombers, small arms and most of their katyusha artillery was home made. If the Soviet Union had folded, under no circumstances would the Allies have come close to making an entrance in France. Without wanting to take away one iota from the terrible depredations suffered by the Soviet peoples and the fantastic sacrifices and heroic contributions they made in that war, I have to disagree that the Soviet Union was the indispensable element. The Soviet armies were kept in the field by the United States. It was America that gave the Soviets the food they could not grow for themselves, the steel and other raw materials for their factories that they could not produce for themselves, and the trucks, planes, weapons and ammunition which they could not produce for themselves, that allowed them to fight. Had Germany not attacked Russia, or if Russia had been knocked out of the war quickly as Hitler expected then the United States and Britain, with the vast economic resources of America and the British Empire, and eventually the atom bomb, would still have won through, although the human cost for us would have been far greater. Victory would still have been achievable, but had vastly higher cost. Michael Montagne The Soviet Union in WW2 was weak in production and supplies, but it was still an important ally, without it, the Axis would have won. The Soviet Union is rich in oil as well as other resources; if they surrendered to the Germans, the Nazis would extract whatever the German army needs from the grounds. Also, without the Soviet Union, there would be no fronts in Europe. The Normandy invasion would face more resistance from the Nazis than it did, and perhaps would end up similar to the Dieppe raid. In addition, with Soviet Union added to the Nazi Reich, the Germans can support Japan in Asia by attacking China from the north-west. The African wars would have been different; the Nazis would have had more soldiers to fight under Rommel. All of the Allied countries that haven't been taken over were important. Without any of them, the war would have been different, some maybe small differences, but it would still give the Axis an advantage. But Soviet Union was definitely an important ally.

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19y ago
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12y ago

Most likely, the USSR would have been overrun and the Communist party would have been crushed, but nobody can tell for sure.

the real question is what would have happened to the allies if the Russians lost the war. most likely, there would have been a resistance until either the Germans fell back or Hitler died and the Germans fell back. but again, no one knows for sure. alot more people would have died.

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14y ago

While there is no certainty when discussing speculative history, it is likely that a large German state or empire would exist today, directly and indirectly controlling much of the world. The 3rd Reich would have replaced the United States as a global superpower, with the possibility of a similar Cold War between Germany and Japan.

Social and moral advances would also have been greatly hindered, since the Nazis were advocates of eugenics and were responsible for the Holocaust. German may have also overtaken English as the most widely used language and the US dollar would not be king. Again, this is simply speculation and it is very possible that the German state would have collapsed anyways from a loss of effective leadership or from a socialist revolution, perhaps leaving Japan as sole superpower of the world.

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13y ago

The Soviet Union, also known as the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was part of the Allies during WW2. so in a way, they kinda did.

But I'll still answer your question anyways.

The main battlefield of WW2 was the eastern front where Stalin (leader of the USSR) and Hitler (German leader) were throwing everything they had at each other and beating each other to a pulp.

IF the USSR was able to beat the Germans and IF they still had enough left in the tank, then things (judging from Stalin's history and from what the Communist manifesto says) would have been really bad. REAL bad.

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16y ago

You could assume German-led fascist countries would dominate from France right across to the Urals and perhaps beyond.

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9y ago

If the Nazis had defeated the Soviets at Stalingard they may have been able to break the siege. They still however would have to contend with the Allied Forces.

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7y ago

The Nazis might have taken over the world if we lost the war

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15y ago

they would rule the world

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Q: What would have happened to the USSR if the Allies had lost World War 2?
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