

What would make a population have more genetic variation?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What would make a population have more genetic variation?
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What will make population have more genetic variation?


How do you use Genetic Variation in a sentence?

Genetics refers to the study of genes, the microscopic biological building blocks that make us what we are. Used in a sentence: "The study of genetics is helping us to learn why certain diseases run in families."

Why do a bunch of purple flowers make a few white flowers?

Its called a sport and its a simple genetic variation.

What make small populations vulnerable to extinction?

there are several factors that make small populations vulnerable. First off there are demographic factors. If a small population faces a forest fire, they are more susceptible to extinction opposed to a large, wide-spread population. you also have the lack of genetic availability. without genetic variation, a species can become prone to disease. there are many more, and I could go on.

What will make a population have more genetic variations?


How does using fungicides and pesticides reduce the genetic variability within a population?

When you kill off certain organisms within a population, certain special traits and genes they possess can no longer be spread. Certain types may be effected greater than other types. Say some disease only killed people with blue eyes, then no one else in the world would have blue eyes. Then there would be less variation between people. When organisms with certain genes are killed, there is less variation within the population for different traits and things that make them special are lost.

The collection of all the genes in a population is called?

The collection of all the genes in a population is called the gene pool. This gene pool contains all of the genetic variation within a population, which can be passed on to future generations through reproduction.

Why is variation important for natural selection and what are the main sources of this variation?

Without variation natural selection would have nothing to select from that would confer survivability and reproductive success. on the organisms being selected against the organisms conspecifics and the immediate environment. Mutation and sexual recombination provide the main sources of this variation that is needed to make selection work. Mutation is the variation presented that causes the real adaptive change that can lead to speciation.

A feature that has different forms in a population?

Polymorphism is a term used to describe a genetic feature that has multiple forms or alleles within a population. This variation allows individuals within the population to exhibit different phenotypes for that particular trait. Polymorphism is important for evolution as it can provide diversity and adaptability to changing environments.

Processes is least likely to introduce variations into the genetic make-up of a population?


Why are populations more genetically diversed than the individuals that make them?

Genetic variation is expressed in genes which form chromosomes. Thus any individual in a population of breeding animals can only 'hold' the gene variations that can fit into that individuals chromosomes, while the number of chromosomes in the population is the number found in the individual * the number of individuals comprising the population, a much greater space for 'holding' variations in genes.

What must be true for natural selection to happen?

There must be genetic variation in the population The system must not be in hardy-weinberg equilibrium. resources must be limited in the ecosystem