

What would the best diet be for a negative blood type?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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To figure out the best diet for your blood type, you would have to figure out what letter blood type you have not the negative or positive. To find out which blood type you have, you can go to Walgreens to purchase a blood test.

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Q: What would the best diet be for a negative blood type?
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What is the best diet for O negative blood?

The best diet for O negative blood would be animal products. People with type O blood should have a diet rich in protein, and avoid wheat and grains. It is also important to exercise and get fit, since extra proteins will just turn to fat.

Is there a blood type a negative diet?

Blood type A negaative diet is the same as blood type a diet which have a sensitive digestive tract and thrive on a vegetarian diet high in soy protein, grains and vegetables.

Where do I look to find out more about having a positive blood type?

People with Type A Positive and Type A negative blood do best on a vegitarian diet, and a low stress life style. You can find out more about imformation on the "Blood Type Diet" online at Livestrong.Com article DIET FOR BLOD TYPE A POSITIVE.

What diet should be followed by a person with type a negative blood?

The diet for specific blood types that is generally accepted focuses the difference between the diets on the type of blood (i.e. O, A, or B) rather than the positive or negative charge associated with the blood type. There is no specification for a person with negative type blood.

Is there a specific type o negative blood diet?

Any of the medical websites online are good resources for finding out what would benifit a Negative O Blood type. Such as web Md or There are also many books written on different types of blood.

What are the constituents of type o negative blood type diet?

A type o negative blood type diet consists of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Wheat, beans, corns, cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower are not recommended.

What food is best of positive blood types?

There is no scientific correlation between blood type and diet. A healthy diet consisting of vegetables, fruit, lean protein and water will benefit you and your blood regardless of type.

Is there a diet designed for someone with type O negative blood?

For blood type O negative, it is advisable to consume plenty of meat and fish. They can also eat certain vegetables, nuts, and egg in moderation. Persons with blood type O negative are discourage from consuming high carbohydrate diet and dairy products.

Is there a diet that has foods for blood type a negative?

It has been suggested that A-negative types undertake a vegetarian diet, consuming as much fresh, organic food as possible. This has not been scientifically verified.

What are good foods for an 0 negative blood type diet?

Some of the best foods to eat are Ezekiel bread, broccoli, and spinach. Other things like fish and cereals are good for the diet. Also, drink lots of water.

Should people with negative or positive blood types eat a special diet?

There is a theory that those with RH negative blood are more susceptible to food allergies. There is a specific diet you can follow, but it is not necessary in my opinion to follow this diet.

What is the recommended diet for blood type A?

It is suggested that a vegetarian diet best suits individuals with the A blood type. Foods such as soy proteins, grains, and organic vegetables are best.