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Coal mines or nuclear power plants I would say. Some sort of energy system, that takes in fuel and spits out energy in abundance.

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Q: What would the mitochondria be if you were to compare it to the government?
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Compare a Mitochondria to a hotel?

you can compare that too a gynm

Compare and contrast mitochondria and plastic?

the mitochondria is the vital activities of the cell while plastids are manufacture in food photosynthesis.

Compare the functions of mitochondria and chloroplasts in cells?

mitochondria was a power house of the cells and chloroplast is the green thing that make the photosynthesis

What is an analogy for the mitochondria?

You can compare it to a powerhouse because it is known as the powerhouse of the cell.

How would the number of mitochondria in an insects wing compare to the amount found in other cells in an insect's body?

Their wings hold more active cells (muscle cells).

Compare the structure of a eukaryotic cell with that of a prokaryotic cell?

A eukaryotic plant would have a cell wall, plasma membrane, plasmodesmata, chloroplats, mitochondria, nucleus, ribosomes, Golgi body etc. A nonphotosynthetic prokaryotic would have a nucleus. Prokaryotic is simple, one-celled. No chloroplasts, mitochondria etc.

What would happen if someone lost their mitochondria and why would they lose it?

you cant lose your mitochondria but if you could you would die

What would happen if the mitochondria were removed from a cell?

If all the mitochondria were removed from a cell it would no longer be able to function. This is because the mitochondria produces the energy for the cell.

What is the name of the organelle involved in the oxygen requiring process by which the energy in the macromolecules is stored in ATP?

That would be the 'mitochondria'...

In what way would having many mitochondria be beneficial to muscle cells?

The mitochondria is used for energy in the human body. Having more mitochondria would be beneficial since it would mean that the body would have more energy when needed.

What would happen if all the mitochondria were removed from a cell?

If all the mitochondria were removed from a cell it would no longer be able to function. This is because the mitochondria produces the energy for the cell.

Which organelle would you expect to be the most highly concentrated in heart muscle cells?

Mitochondria as the heart requires a lot of energy.