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An Answer to If There Were No ArmiesThere will still be disputes between individuals, communities, races, religions, ECONOMIC CLASSES, and countries. But as long as every government provides a police force dedicated exclusively to protecting citizen rights and a court of law remains to decide what is just case by case, humanity stands a chance at prosperity. The odds against our continued survival in the universe are already too enormous for us to continue to sabotage ourselves with war. Global cooperation is becoming necessary. It could be achieved without dictatorial control, if only all nations could come to agreement on what our priorities are as a species. In my opinion: the first priority is to end military war on Earth. Competition through creation with a timed goal is ultimately more stimulating for businesses and countries than a war industry with no end in sight. Also, I think it is deadly hypocrisy to create a life and then instruct that child that ending life is okay as long as it's over seas and pays for college. People in warring countries could protest more effectively by refusing to have children until there is peace, and those who have children should inform them that their best protest is to not participate in war.

If there were no armies then people would start forming armies.

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Q: What would the world be like if there were no armies?
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1U.S.A.2China3Russia4India5U.K.6France7Germany8Brazil9Japan10TurkeyThese are considered to be the top 10 armies in the world.Hope this helped!

Why did the defenders have the upper hand in World War 1?

there were more allied armies than central armies.

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In the entire history of the world... I would have to go with the Roman Empire.

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i would say that armies are government sponsored whereas insurgents are not.