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A large asteroid colliding with the Earth would trigger a great cooling that might lead to some extinctions.

A large burning of fossil fuels (like we have been doing for 200 years) would trigger a great global warming that might lead to the extinction of all life on earth.

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Any severe change in the environment.

(the introduction of oxygen, massive volcanoes [sulfa compounds], massive meteor strikes, [very] cold climates )

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Q: What would trigger a climate change that can lead to mass extinction?
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How the species can change?

Species can change is there is a mass extinction or if the type of species changed the type of climate or terrain which would would make the species evolve to its new environment so that it can survive.

What would most likely trigger a climate change that could lead into a mass extinction?

volcanic outgassing a. pex

Why is the extinction of the dinosaurs attributed to an asteroid impact?

The original observation was that in the fossil records there is a layer with high levels of iridium and osmium at the time of dinosaur extinction. Iridium and osmium are common is asteroids. For the layer to be all over the globe it must have been a major strike which would have caused global wide climate change causing a mass extinction.

What two factors contribute to extinction?

Mainly over hunting or people moving into the animals natural territory.the main factors contributing to extinction of a species would be:> over-hunting of the species by man> loss of habitat> climate change> a disease or virus spreading to and from other animals of the same species

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A species that is genetically diverse is more likely to survive in the event of a major change in it's environment, because of chance. A large swing in climate for instance, could entirely wipe out a species that was solely suited to a specific climate. However, if a portion of the species is more adaptable to a colder climate, and a portion is more adaptable to a warmer climate, even though a climate change would mean death for a large portion, a portion would be more likely to survive.

How would a rattlesnake adapt to a climate change?

it is according to how the climate was changed. If it was a case in which the climate got colder the snake would die. If it was a warmer climate it would adapt very well.

Does the disappearance of a bird cause changes in climate?

No, this would have no effect on climate. Climate change is caused by global warming.

Would climate change benefit anyone?

No. We would all die.

Will planting trees in the desert by the millions change the climate there?

No, planting trees will not change the climate. The majority of the trees would not survive without water.

What areas of North America would be most vulnerable to climate change?

Areas in North America that would be most vulnerable to climate change are the coastal areas. Mountainous areas would also be vulnerable.

When the last member of a species dies is said to have occurred.?

the answer to the question is extinction

What is extreme climate change?

Extreme means very serious. Extreme climate change would be if the temperature rose by 5°C. This would seriously threaten most life on earth.