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Q: What would you choose hemiplegia or quadriplegia?
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What is monoplegia cerebral palsy?

affected muscles in one limb is monoplegia, both arms or both legs is diplegia, both limbs on one side of the body is hemiplegia, and in all four limbs is quadriplegia.

What form of paralysis is hemiplegia?

hemiplegia, affecting one side of the body

What is the cause of alternating hemiplegia?

The underlying cause of alternating hemiplegia is unknown. Benign nocturnal alternating hemiplegia of childhood is thought to be a variant of migraine headache.

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What part of the body is paralyzed in quadriplegia?

quadriplegia, affecting all four limbs and the trunk

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What is alternating hemiplegia?

Alternating hemiplegia is a very rare condition characterized by recurrent episodes of temporary paralysis.

What does dense left hemiplegia mean?

dense left hemiplegia- total weakness of left side of the body (hemiplegia) where the power of the affected side(left) muscles tends to be 0 .i.e, no movements at all...

How is alternating hemiplegia treated?

There is no cure for either form of alternating hemiplegia. A drug called flunarizine has been used to treat the more severe type of alternating hemiplegia, in an effort to decrease the frequency of hemiplegic episodes.

What is paralysis of all four limbs called?

Paralysis of four extremities is called quadriplegia or tetraplegia. Quadriplegic or tetraplegic is the correct term for anyone who has paralysis of all four limbs. Quadriparesis is weakness in all four limbs.

What is the main cause of hemiplegia?

Hemiplegia is almost always caused by brain damage on the side opposite the paralysis, often from a stroke.

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