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Nothing, as there is not enough information to answer that. If the nonexperimental group also developed seventeen cancers, then no conclusion could be made.

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Q: What would you conclude if the experimental group developed seventeen cancers?
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What are all the cancers?

Well I can help with some, lung, breast, liver, and more. Pretty much every [almost every] part of the body can have cancer. There's also cancer of the mouth. Pancreatic. Usually, cancers are identified by what organ or tissue they came from, but it's lots more complicated. Some of us now know that the prime characteristic is that cancers are aneuploid. That is that each cancer has broken or missing or extra chromosomes. Since a species is defined by what chromosomes it has, practically every cancer is a new species. When oncologists say there are 250 different cancers, they vastly underestimate the number. The real number is more like 250 million different cancers and more every day. Even so, there are some experimental cancer cures in clinical trials that seem promising for a wide range of cancers.

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What happend to people is they got cuts and burns. A lot of people got sick from the radiation. New cancers developed and people are still suffering from them today.

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