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Put him in jail or...

Steal the same thing he's already taking? If he's stealing lunches from the break room I would tell on him.

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Q: What would you do if a co-worker was stealing from the company?
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Yes, although no one likes to rat on a fellow employee, this is at the least dishonest and at the most, it is stealing. It is also unfair to every other employee in the company.

What would you do if you caught a coworker stealing?

Well if the co-worker is even a close friend, there is no exception for stealing, and if you are scared that if you report them because you think they will think bad at you, just simply tell your boss, and to keep the fact that you told on the co-worker a secret. :)

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coworker's paycheck

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It is legal for a coworker to ask for you password. You are not required to oblige that request. Also, it might be against company policy for you to oblige that request.

Being sued for stealing a company name?

You can be sued for stealing a company name. You will probably have to pay stiff financial penalties but that is all.

Do you hyphen the word coworker?

Yes. Co-Worker. just like Co-Company.

Is it stealing if you find a phone?

No, you just find a phone, but if you don't give it to the company, then it's stealing.

What is miappropriation of company assets?

Misappropriation means stealing, so it is stealing company assets. This could include cash, computers and peripherals, furnishings, etc.

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Hiring that coworker

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