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A steady incline or decline - constant gradient

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Q: What would you expect to find in an area with ten evenly spaced contour lines?
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What do you expect when you see ten evenly spaced contour lines?

Evenly spaced contour lines mean a steady slope, uphill or downhill.

What kind of slope do a closely spaced contour lines indicate?

Closely spaced contour lines mean that the slope is steep.

How close the contour lines are an indication of an area's what?

The proximity of contour lines indicates the steepness of the terrain in a particular area. Closely spaced contour lines suggest a steep slope, while widely spaced contour lines suggest a gentle slope.

What do closely spaced contour lines on a topographic map indicate?

Closely spaced contour line on a topographic map shows that the land is steep.

Are contour lines closely spaced or far apart to indicate steep hills?

Closely spaced

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a?

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gradual slope, while closely spaced lines indicate a steep slope.

Would the contour lines of the grand canyon be spaced out or close together?

The contour lines of the Grand Canyon would likely be spaced closer together due to its steep and rugged terrain. The closer spacing of contour lines indicates a quicker change in elevation, reflecting the dramatic topography of the canyon.

What does the spacing between contour lines tell you?

closely spaced contour lines indicate steep slopes, wider ones indicate gentle slopes

What does the spacing between contour lines tell?

closely spaced contour lines indicate steep slopes, wider ones indicate gentle slopes

How are contour lines shown for a gentle slope?

Contours for a gentle slope are spaced equally and far apart, the closer the contour lines the steeper the slope.

Long closely spaced oval contour lines may indicate?


On topographical map how do represent a steep slope?

Contour lines that are closely spaced