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Q: What would you have to do to control the PH of the water in the aquarium?
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What do you have to do to control the pH of the water in the aquarium?

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What would you have tot do to control the pH of the water in the aquarium?

You will need to test the PH, KH & GH to find out whether your water is soft or hard. If your PH changes easily in the tank, then you can add crushed coral to help it rise and be stable, or peat moss to help it lower and be stable

Why would a fish aquarium owner want to purchase a PH probe for their tank?

It is important for a fish aquarium owner to purchase a ph probe for their tank. It helps measure the pH levels in the water. Certain types of fish will only survive in water with a certain pH level and one would need to know what their tank pH level is for their fish to survive.

What would you have to do to control the pH in the water in the aquarium?

usually there is a kit you can get for aquariums There are things available called pH Buffer Blocks. You simply drop one in the corner of the tank so that it gets a bit of current from the filter inlet or outlet and it will keep the pH steady.

How does a ammonia as waste affect the pH of the water in the aquarium?

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How much lemon juice would be needed to lower the pH of 100 ml of water to a pH of 5.5?

You would need to add about 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice to lower the pH of 100 ml of water to 5.5. The exact amount may vary depending on the concentration of the lemon juice.

How many pH drops do you put in your saltwater aquarium?

I would not advise messing with the pH in a salt water (marine) aquarium. If you follow the directions on the particular testing kit that you have you should be OK but messing around with pH is a very dangerous thing to do and may quickly and easily result in dead fish.

Why are buffers important for maintaining aquarium life?

Buffers are important because they control the PH or "acidic" balance.

What do you do to control the pH of aquariums?

PH can be easily changed. Many water sources around the world usually come from alkaline or hard water. In order to increase pH, you could use chemicals or put crushed rock and shells to make the water alkaline. In order to decrease the pH, you could also use pH, or inject CO2. Another way of decreasing pH is to add drift wood to the aquarium, though driftwood tends to make the water color tea like.

How do you control the hardness and softness of the water in a aquarium?

The best way is to control the harness and softness of the source water for the aquarium. If you need soft water, then use a water softener or reverse osmosis machine to lower the water hardness. If you need your water harder, then you can purchase remineralizing compounds that you can mix with water change water and then add to your tank. You can find remineralizers at Look under Water Treatment > Ph Regulators & Buffers. I recommend Kent's R/O Right.

What to do to control the PH of the water for tropical fish?

There are a couple of things you can do to control the pH of the water for tropical fish. You can for example drain the water and start over.

How do you control the pH of water in a aquarium?

Install an efficient pump and filter set. It is recommended that you use gravel on the base of the tank since, it is a natural purifier. Depending on the colour and dirt of water and the activeness of the fish, the water should be changed regularly.