

What would you wear to a Jewish wedding?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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A dressy dress or skirt outfit.

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Q: What would you wear to a Jewish wedding?
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What does the groom wear on a Jewish wedding?

A groom on a Jewish wedding day wears what you wear in a English wedding

Bride and groom wear on Jewish wedding?

The best wedding clothes they can get.

Can a Jewish groom wear a skull cap and prayer shawl?

Most traditionally, the groom would wear the skull cap during a Jewish wedding. In certain Jewish communities the prayer shawl is draped over the bride and groom while they are under the Chuppa (wedding canopy).

What would an early 20th century Jewish bride wear?

A white wedding dress that completely covers her up.

What does the guy wear to a Jewish wedding?

A dress suit, tie and shoes

What are Jewish wedding dresses like?

They're the same white wedding dresses all other brides wear, except that Orthodox Jewish brides only wear dresses that completely cover them up.

What do people wear at a Jewish wedding?

any modest, tasteful clothing is appropriate.

Do Jewish brides wear blue dresses?

At every Jewish wedding I've attended, the bride wore white.

Can a Jewish groom wear white to his wedding?

Yes! White is always appropriate for a Jewish groom, just like the Jewish bride. Orthodox Jewish grooms often wear a white robe called a kittel.

Can a Jewish bride wear high heels at her wedding?

Type your answer here... yeah of course how else would they look hot hot hot

How would you dress for your wedding?

I would wear a wedding dress that fits and suits ME!

Do Jewish grooms wear a suit in their wedding?

Yes. If the groom is very religious, he might wear a suit jacket of extended length.