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Q: What writer influenced the development of the New Journalism movement in the United states?
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Many Americans were also influenced by the Enlightenment,a philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason to examine old ideas and traditions.

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Michael bloxx Two works of political science that greatly influenced the constitution of the united states were: Cyropedia by Xenophon The Prince by Machiavelli

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One factor that influenced expansion of the U.S. was the occupation of the nearby territories by foreign countries.

What does 'yellow' mean?

In slang, "yellow" can mean cowardly, and it was used to characterize a form of sensationalist journalism in the late 1800's and early 1900's -- Yellow Journalism. In the United States before the Civil Rights Movement, yellow was commonly used for a light-skinned black person.

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The Enlightenment valued reason and questioned the power of monarchs. The proliferation of Enlightenment ideals greatly influenced the creation of the United States.

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Charles de Montesquieu wrote "The Spirit of the Laws," a treatise on political theory that influenced the development of constitutional government in Europe and the United States.

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what for? Socially the Dominican Republic is influenced by the United States.

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United National Movement was created in 2001.

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Movement for United Georgia was created in 2007.