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Britain, France, Spain, Holland, and the US signed a peace treaty in 1783

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Q: What year did Britain make a treaty to turn the thirteen colonies to turn the colonies into the US?
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Did the Britain soldiers or the Britain colonists make the Treaty of Paris?

none. the gov. of Britain did it

How did the thirteen colonies make their money?

shipbuilding, fur and tobacco, to name a few

Reason for founding each of the thirteen colonies?

The "main" reason the British established the 13 colonies was for financial opportunity. They wanted to take over New France and control the fur trade. Other reasons the colonies were found: to avoid religious persecution and for profits.

What challenges did the colonist faced after the treaty of Paris?

They had to make a deal with Britain

What happened to all colonies in 1776?

The acts gave Britain the right to make ALLdecisions for the colonies.

What kind of agriculture did Delaware have while it was one of the thirteen colonies?

make pornos and hump people

What did the thirteen colonies live in?

Almost everyone who lived in the 13 original colonies were subjects of the British Crown. They called themselves Americans and lived very differently that their European relatives.

Why did Britain's government tax colonies?

to make more money

Why were The Colonies so valuable to Great Britain?

Depends on which colonies. The Thirteen Colonies in North America provided a valuable source of raw materiel, which colonial merchants/companies sold to British merchants, which allowed Great Britain to compete as a trading power. Additionally, the raw materiel provided by the colonies towards Britain was a boon to Great Britain's ability to make war (vis a vis requisitioning these resources in times of crisis), and was a general aid to the British economy. Furthermore, the social and political thought of the times made the colonies (particularly the American colonies) a prestigious possession that brought honor and legitimacy to the British crown, and the British parliament. Ultimately, however, Britain would acquire far more practical, and far more valuable colonies in the course of the 19th century.

What is the theme of King George the III's letter?

After the loss of the Thirteen Colonies, King George III, wrote a letter expressing his feelings on the matter. The main theme was moving forward. In the letter, he explained that the Thirteen Colonies had grown wealthy enough to rival Great Britain, and that Britain did not get much from them. He cited the Canadian and Caribbean colonies for bringing in more revenue than the lost colonies ever had, and stated that it was much better to pursue a friendship with the United States, because their strength as an ally could bring Britain more than they ever had as colonies.

What caused the British government to take more interest in the American colonies?

There were several factors that all worked together to draw Britain's attention to the American colonies. The first factor was France and Spain's withdraw from the American colonies, leaving Britain as the only control. The thirteen colonies between South Carolina and Main had also grown in trade and economy. The colonies had also developed urban centers and large populations, this meant that the colonies had a strong economy and society independent from the British government which drew Britain's attention.

Which body of water was the most 13 english colonies in north America?

The Atlantic Coastline. Most of the original thirteen colonies make up the Eastern Seaboard of the US.