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1895, November 8

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Q: What year did Wilhelm von roentgen discovered x-ray?
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Who was the first person to discover radiation and what year?

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on November 8, 1895, discovered the X-Ray.

What year did Wilhelm Roentgen die?

February, 1923

What year was the X-ray invented?

X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895. He had no idea what they were so he called them "X-rays" (X being an unknown variable) and then name just stuck.

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Chlorine was discovered in 1774 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish chemist

What ddate was oxygen discovered?

Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen in 1774.

First scientist to win a Nobel Prize?

Wilhelm Roentgen, who discovered X-rays won the first Nobel prize for physics, first in the science category. it might be argued as these rays have obvious medical applications there may have been an overlap with Medicine and Physiology, there wasn"t. Ivan Pavlov- who studied reflexes of dogs, won the first Medicine prize If I remember correctly- He was, as the name indicates, a Russian national. Roentgen was German, again Wilhelm a good German handle. Pronounced (Rent-Genn with hard G like in (Gain). the year was MCM-l900/ Long time ago but X-rays still in use.

What year was manganese discoverd?

Proposed to be an element by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1774, manganese was discovered by Johan Gottlieb Gahn, a Swedish chemist

Who discover X-ray?

Wilhelm Roentgen (or Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen)He discovered X-Rays in 1895 and won the first Nobel prize for physics in 1901. He died in 1923, probably from radiation poisoning. Roentgen and his assistant spent the early days of their research taking X-Rays of each other - apparently, too many.Most people would answer Wilhelm Conrad Roentgendiscovered x-rays on 8 November, 1895.However, they would be incorrect.X-Rays were first produced by William Morgan, a Welshman, in 1785 by boiling Mercury, the results of which are mentioned in passing in his paper'Electrical Experiments Made in Order to Ascertain the Non-Conducting Power of a Perfect Vacuum, &c. By Mr. William Morgan; Communicated by the Rev. Richard Price, LL.D. F.R.S.'His experiment was witnessed by Benjamin Franklin.Rontgen's 'discovery' of X-Rays was really just discovering the ability of x-rays to pass through different substances at different rates.There is also some debate about this, as well!A scientist called Ivan Pulyui allegedly produced radiographs of a 13 year old boy's broken arm, and an image of his daughters hand.He published his discovery in a paper called 'Luminous Electrical Matter and the Fourth State of Matter in the Notes of the Austrian Imperial Academy of Sciences(1880-1883)', however it was a relatively minor paper, and overlooked.He also reputedly presented Rontgen with his x-ray generating machine (Called a Pulyui Lamp)So, in short, the answer is... All 3!Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (27 March 1845 - 10 February 1923) was a German physicist, who, on 8 November 1895, produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today known as "X-rays" or Roentgen rays, an achievement that earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901. In honor of his accomplishments, IUPAC named element 111, Roentgenium, after him.

What year was the first X-ray machine made and by whom?

The first x-ray was taken in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. He used an enclosed discharge tube of a cathode ray in a sealed, black carton so that no light would reach the tube, and but a paper plate covered in barium platinocyanide on ones side. The first x-ray was taken of his wife's hand.

In what year did DENTSPLY International Inc - XRAY - have its IPO?

DENTSPLY International Inc. (XRAY) had its IPO in 1987.

William roentgen invented x rays in what year?

late 1800's

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Morphine was discovered by Freidrich Wilhelm Adam Serturner (1783-1841), an obscure, uneducated, 21-year-old pharmacist's assistant with little equipment but loads of curiosity.