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Pea plants were known long before Mendel was born.

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Q: What year did Gregor Mendel discover DNA?
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What did mendel gregor discover realted to DNA?

he discovered heredity and inheritance

When did Gregor Mendel discover about genes?

Mendel proved basic ideas on genetics and inheritance, but had nothing whatsoever to do with DNA.

Did gregor Mendel find dna?


Did Gregor Mendel know about DNA?

Yes, In season 3 of Starship Galactica they stated that the starship continuom was indeed coaherted with gregor mendel,therefore making it possible for him to know about DNA, Chromosomes etc...

What was most significant conculsion of Gregor Mendel drew from his research?

Genes are composed of DNA

What are some What are facts about Gregor Mendel?

He was a monk. He knew nothing of DNA or genetics when doing his experiments.

Where and when did Watson and crick discover DNA?

It is James Watson and Francis CricK In March 1953, Watson and Crick deduced the double helix structure of DNA Watson, Crick, and Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their research on the structure of nucleic acids.

Who invented DNA testing?

i think it was Sir Alec Jeffreys in 1985 I THINK

Who is the father of genetics?

Gregor Mendel, a priest from a monastery in Central Europe. He entered the University of Vienna in 1851. He also taught at a nearby high school. While studying pea plants, he developed the punnet square, accurately predicting what traits the offspring will acquire from the parents, generation to generation. Gregor Mendel was considered as the father of genetics because he was the first one to understand how genetic inheritance worked.However he had no mechanism for genetic inheritance as neither chromosomes nor DNA had been discovered. All he had was a predictable reproducible phenomenon. It took the work of others to discover these mechanisms that produce the phenomenon Gregor Mendel studied.

Who are four scientist that worked to better understand DNA?

James Watson, Gregor Mendel, Barbra McClintock and Thomas Hunt Morgan

Why was Gregor Mendel famous?

Mendel is the so-called "Father of Genetics" for his work with pea plants. His work, although years before the discovery of DNA as the hereditary material, laid the foundation for modern genetics.

What were Gregor Mendel's first two experiments?

Gregor Mendel's first experiment was with pea plants. His goal was to find the genetic qualities in the third generation and see how they differ with the parental generation. He later developed some twisted logic about DNA. You can simulate Mendel's experiment with a Punnet Square and some data.