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Luke's Gospel suggests that Jesus began his ministry in 29 CE, and the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) seem to indicate that the entire period of Jesus' mission was no more than one year. Hence, many Christians believe that Jesus was condemned to death in 30 CE.

John's Gospel, on the other hand, quite clearly defines the length of Jesus' ministry as three years, because Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover each year. Based on this and Luke's assumption, other Christians say that Jesus was condemned to death in 33 CE.

A further piece of information is that the synoptic gospels say that John the Baptist was imprisoned and executed right at the very beginning of Jesus' mission. Since we know from Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 18) that John was imprisoned and executed in 35 or early 36 CE, the gospel account would meant that Jesus was condemned and crucified in 36-39 CE. The problem with these dates is that Pontius Pilate was no longer governor of Judea.

This simply demonstrates just how little we really know about the crucifixion of Jesus. We do not know when this happened, but the most popular guesses are 30 or 33 CE.

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Q: What year did the Romans condemn Jesus to death?
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