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Q: What year did the Spanish conquered the Inca empire in South America?
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What happened first the Spanish conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico or the Spanish conquered the Inca empire in South America?

Who was the leader of the Spanish army that conquered the Inca Empire? Francisco Pizarro in 1535 Who conquered the Aztec empire? Herman Cortes conquered the Aztecs in 1519.

What areas of the world were include in the spanish's empire?

parts of Africa, south America. the spanish explorers conquered the Aztecs and the incas

What was Hernando Cortes famous for?

Hernando Cortez was the Spanish commander who conquered the Aztec Empire and thus began the Spanish conquest of Central and South America.

Who is the Spanish conqueror who claimed much of South America and Mexico for Spain?

They were different people. Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico, while Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incans in South America.

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The Inca Empire was conquered by the Spanish who used guns (which the Inca did not have) and were ruthless. The alo brought European diseases which did not existed in South America and the natives had no immunity for. Scores of natives died of these diseases.

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As the Spanish Empire grew, the bullfight was introduced into newly conquered countries. That is how it came to Mexico and many countries in Central and South America.

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What areas had the spanish conquered by 1511?

North, South, and Central America

Who were the group of people that conquered most of Mexico central America and south America?

Spanish conquistadors.

What did pizzaro achieve?

Fransisco Pizarro claimed the majority of South America for Spain. He conquered the Incan Empire in doing so

Francisco Pizarro successfully conquered the Aztec Empire in South America?

Inca not aztec