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The year 1620. :)

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Q: What year did the wampanoag indians help the English colonists?
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What are the Wampanoags Indians important?

The Wampanoag Tribe is the tribe of Chief Massasoit, Samoset, and Squanto. They made contact with the Pilgrims and aided them. Without the help of the Wampanoag tribe it is possible that the colonists of Plymouth Colony would not have survived the first winter.

How did the American Indians help the Plymouth colonists survive?

Squanto and Samoset befriended the colonists, and showed the Pilgrims how to grow corn, beans, pumpkins, and where to hunt and fish. They helped the Pilgrims make a treaty with the Wampanoag people.

Why do you think the pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving?

Pilgrims celebrated thanksgiving because they wanted to celebrate the accomplishment of their colony and how they survived throughout the harsh year with the help of the Indians.

What was the name of the Indian tribe that help the pilgrims?

The Indians who helped the pilgrims were Wampanoag.

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How was the relationship between colonists in New York and the Indians?

I don't know!?! Did the Indains help the colonists???

What were the effects of the actions taken by the English to control the colonists?

please help, thank you

Why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after 1763?

The taxes were to help pay for the French and Indian war. They reasoned that they were protecting the colonists and the colonists were English subjects so they should help pay for the war.

How did Squanto plant corn?

Squanto planted corn with in mounds with small fish as fertilizer, and he taught the Plymouth colonists to do the same thing. how did squanto help the Indians survive?how did squanto help the Indians survive?

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Chief Tomochichi helped the colonists found the Savannah by planning meetings with English colonists and there leader James Oglethorpe.

How did American Indians help the Jamestown colonists?

The question said "Native Americans" who helped the settlers. The Puritans occupied Indian lands in what is now Massachusetts. Jamestown was down in the southeast - Chesapeake Bay. The Virginia Indians who interacted with those setllers were part of the Powhatan Confederacy, a group of local tribes. It was a complex relationship between English and natives. The Powhatans did help, at first, in terms of farming practices, fishing and other forms of survival but the English settlers were violent and greedy for land from the beginning, causing conflicts.

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The colonists found tobacco for the English settlers