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People have been bottling water for thousands of years, except that back then it wasn't in plastic bottles, and they weren't for commercial use. The first time someone bottled water for commercial purposes, was in 1583, somewhere in Belgium. It was sold to no less than king Henri II of France himself!

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Q: What year did water start being bottled?
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What year did bottle water start?

Bottled water began in the mid '80s. The bottled water market really boomed between 1990 and present day. Bottling water made water a market source allowing for a healthy alternative to bottled sodas and other similar products.

What is bad about bottled water?

Bottled water isn't itself 'bad' but the plastic on the bottle does dissolve eventually, so you can drink bottled water when it's relatively fresh, but after a long time (such as a year, six months, etc.) I wouldn't recommend it. Bottled water is not regularly checked by the FDA. Filtered tap water is more reliable and a whole lot cheaper.

How much does the bottled water industry make per year?

a lot of money

How much money is spent on bottled water a year?

about $35 billion dollars are spent on water every year

What year was bottled water introduced?

The first PVC (polyvinyl chloride) bottle was launched in 1969

How many plastic water bottles are recycled every year in the US?

Annually Americans consume 8.6 gallons of bottled water

How much money do you spend on bottled water each year?

over 22 billion water bottles are thrown away and carried to landfills.

How may the market for bottled water be said to thrive in the early 2000s?

by late 2002 bottled water volume was growing some 10 percent worldwide, outpacing carbonated soft drinks (7.9 percent) and coffee (4 percent) over a six-year period

Can bottle water ever get spoiled?

Yes, eventually. If there's a hole in the bottle somewhere (or the seal is broken), bacteria or other microorganisms can get inside and start to multiply.Even without any openings, bottled water is usually labeled to be used before a certain date (often a year or more after purchase).

How many wheels are put into landfills?

Over 60,000,000 plastic bottles a day are disposed of in U.S. landfills from bottled water use. Other than the direct impact of 30 billion plastic bottles a year being disposed of in U.S. landfills alone, bottled water negatively impacts our environment in many other ways. 17 billion barrels of oil are used each year to produce the 30 billion plastic bottles, producing some 2.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide pollution. It takes three times the amount of water to produce the bottle as it does to fill it. Not to mention the pollution from transporting heavy loads of bottled water all over the World! Source: http:/

Why should you use reusable water bottles?

The reputation of bottled water is lying bleeding in the gutter, which probably isn't a bad thing.While the product certainly does have its place, disposable plastic water bottles have become a blight on the planet due to the levels of consumption of bottled water products.The plastic in disposable water bottles, but where there is no deposit system such as we have in South Australia, the majority of the bottles wind up in landfill.According to statistics from the International Bottled Water Association, in 2000 Americans consumed 4.7 billion gallons of bottled water, which represented less than 9 percent of total beverage consumption. By 2008 bottled water consumption increased to almost 8.7 billion gallons.However, after the bad press bottled water received regarding plastic waste and water quality a couple of years back, an interesting thing took place.In 2007, Americans were drinking on average 29.0 gallons of bottled water a year; a 5.3% increase on the previous year. In 2008, that had dropped to 28.5 gallons; a drop of 1.8% and the first drop in over a decade.The International Bottled Water Association acknowledges that environmental concerns may have played a role in the drop.People didn't stop drinking water, so what happened?Refillable water bottles did.Aside from the environmental benefits of using a refillable water bottle, I ran some quick calculations for my article " too cheap?" and found that the water we get from our taps here in Australia costs about USD 0.4 cents per gallon. I have only ever bought one bottle of water a few months back and that quart cost a few bucks!With the addition of a home water filter, you can have water as good, if not better than many bottled water brands - as some of the bottled water brands pull their water directly from municipal supplies and at times don't even bother filtering it.

What year did most American towns start treating water supplies?